That's a terrible thing to do to someone! I can't even believe that. Forget her then~ I do love the song though. I always thought it was my theme song in life. I moved so many times in my twenties I lost count. This song seemed to fit me.
I just googled and apparently, queefing is actually the guys fault for pulling out too far and forcing air in. Not much we can do about it when it decides to come out.
Two pregnancies here for me and no extra queefs. It's all about sexual position for me...I hate trying to explain those bloody things, I never know what to say. I just go with, "ohhh, that was noisy wasn't' it?"
You just wait until you guys have kids and see what they poop out. I mean, I'm talking tipple coilers because it all works properly in them and they take massive craps. I just can't even believe all what comes out could even fit in a kid.
Do you all remember that big guy who ate beans and cabbage and went to bed and suffocated from his own farts? Careful see4, sleep with the window open!
Perhaps that's what's happening already, if he's eating healthy all of a sudden...maybe there's old stale poo coming out of his colon. Are you having extra fibre lately see4? I bet you are going to get a big tummy ache really soon.
Here's my attempt at the classic B52 shooter...I tried "floating the layers" three out of four ain't bad.
Last nights lefts overs became this morning breakfast, mmm it was the best ever.
I bought a bar from my income tax return...I've always wanted one, IDK why, I hardly even drink lol. I needed someone to help me bring it up my stairs so I invited some friends over for dinner.
I love Rihanna but I'm thinking I might want to go out with a little Trooper..."We're Here for a good time, not a long time.."
I was know when you go to retirement homes, they have those sing alongs for the old people. It's all songs from their era, like..."You are my sunshine" and one's like that. What's it going to be when I reach that age? I mean, am I going to have to look at some old guy singing...
lol, I've had to deal with people like her. There was this one gal after my boyfriend waaay back when. I was out having a great time at my local bar one night and the next morning my boyfriend gets a call from her saying "....oh, you should have seen (hereshe) she was ALL over this guy, what...
OMG! $53 bucks for a trim bin, WOW, I didn't even know they existed. I've been using a lid from a rubbermaid container and to think I could have invented that and be making $53 buck per bin...I gotta get on stuff like that, now I feel like a waste.