I keep tying to rep you...but I'm always too late and I have to spread it around, I guess you must be getting mad rep before I'm on it. Here's some hugs instead, :hug::hug: I hope you are having a fantastic morning:)
G'morning all, it's a beautiful day here today, the sun is shining and I'm feeling happy and alive:)
I got this song "Sunshine" by Nazareth in my head today. In my opinion, this band was under recognized, I loved their...
Yes, ub40 is the version I had in mind...that's why I mentioned the bounce in the music:)
As for your post, this song and video has also been near and dear to my heart. I use to be a potter many years ago, I had to sell my wheel but hope to buy one back again some day. This really makes me...
This is one of those songs that once it's in my head I can't get out....It's one of my all time faves. I love songs that have a bit of a bounce to them.
Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling...
And this really is my only argument against circumcision. I would not like to think people did it because they were told too. People have told me MJ was bad and evil and would cause my brain to die and so they made it illegal. I believed what I was told when I was younger, now I question and...
yes, and it's done with everything from rusty blades to pieces of glass from what I've read. Then they are stitched together :( the little girls sometimes die of infection (I'm talking Africa)... now that is truly barbaric, I believe I misspoke on that earlier. A male circumcision performed...
ouch! I'm sure it would be much easier to deal with as a baby than a grown man. I gotta say, us women have a pretty bad deal when it comes to what we have to deal with so i'm happy we don't have to deal with that one too.
I needed plastic surgery to remove a cyst, I was put on an 8 month waiting list...I'm thinking there must be a lot of nipping and tucking going on for him to be that busy. It kind of pissed me off at the time because it leaves us natural women feeling like we can't measure up against someone...
From what I have been told from a plastic surgeon friend of mine, inner labia reduction is common among stripper and porn stars and become increasing popular among females not in the industry.
Women are now going in to have their labia trimmed to look like porn stars. How do guys feel about that? Does that matter to you? I have to admit, if I felt unattractive down there, I would consider it but the guys seem to like it fine, so I'm good!lol
BTW, the nicest penis I've ever seen...
I totally don't judge anyone who has their son circumcised. I see both sides too and many men what their sons to look like them. My husband was really the one who decided for our sons, he was snipped and resented the fact that he was. Up until talking with him about it, I'd never really given...
I wish you didn't ask me that, like I said earlier, I wouldn't never not be with someone based on that, but I prefer un-snipped if I had to choose. I found there were certain things I could make happen with an un snipped male that I couldn't with a snipped one....and I'm not telling what that...
How about breast implants, I know it's a different topic but they are done for esthetic reasons. Is it better to have natural small or less than perfect breast or perfect looking breast that are not natural?
It seems to me, when I was younger, more of my girlfriends preferred snipped. I think it was because it was uncommon to be un-snipped in my culture and they were shocked when they came across one that wasn't. Now that I'm older, it seems to have changed my friends like them either way. It use...
Well, I think penises are a very wonderful thing and I'm all for protecting such an awesome creation. God love you men, you all Rock;) I'm happy with them either way, snipped or un-snipped. I argue the point only because I feel people need to ask of themselves if it makes sense to do...