lol, I know but at the same time, I do know people who have gone to their doctors and tried to make an argument to have breast implants paid for under health care for "medical reasons."
His wife said she preferred the appearance of a circumcised penis, he did it to please she's gone and so is his foreskin....but he really only misses his foreskin.
I'm going by what my brother told me when it comes to difference in sensation. He elected to be circumcised as a grown adult and married man. He found after circumcision he lost a certain about of sensitivity on the head and missed the sensation of the extra skin sliding along the shaft when...
You can grow it back...there are methods.
My boys are not circumcised and I think the practice is outdated and frankly, barbaric. It was necessary in some areas of the world where sand was getting in the foreskin of babies and causing infections...that's not the case any longer. We have...
Well gang, I'm out for the weekend, I'm going to go hookup with some girlfriends but I just wanted to post this before I leave.
Cougar Alert Issued for Western Canada
Please keep young children and pets inside and guard young males closely!
Yes but, chances are Jlo has had lypo suction in other areas of her body. I don't believe there are too many stars out there, male or female who haven't been enhanced.