I smoked yesterday and started at around 10:30 am. But by around 8 or 9 pm I was so drowsy I passed out. Slept for like 12 hours.
Anyone else keep drowsy from smoking from time to time?
And I'm ripped out of my mind lol.
We talked for like 30 minutes. People were pretty nice and said some things that surprised me. I'm not religious at all, I'm not atheist but I am agnostic. I am more bent on the logical/scientific mindset than spiritual.
It was a fun discussion. They want to...
Well it didn't go exactly as planned. A buddy of mine got into some potentially major trouble with the law and spent 2 days in jail(he got out, all charges dropped) so as a result we celebrated by getting high Thursday night.
Was fucking AMAZING. Those first few hits were fucking powerful and I...
Don't go cheap on vapes man, you get what you pay for and any "digital vape" under $200 is likely not going to be worth a damn.
I bought a Vapor Brothers hands free one and I love it, cost me $160.
EA can go fucking die. Fucking shit company.
Just take a look at Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake, Forza 3, etc etc to see if the system is "maxed out" They are still improving on PS2 games!
I'm not big on foods with heat or are spicy. The hottest I like it is at medium and even then I sometimes just prefer mild. Anything more than medium just burns my mouth and overrides the flavor of the rest of the food to me.
I really like Wendy's Value Menu.
Jr Bacon Cheeseburger(no mayo)...
I prefer the 360 myself...too each his own. I've owned a Wii and PS3 and never again will purchase them.
PS3 controller still sucks(way to small and outdated by say...9 years or so)
Nintendo's online game setup and their storage system is terrible.
My 360 is doing it all for me, great online...
I never said humanity as a whole does not evolve, I agree that over the course of thousands of years we will evolve. We have done away with a great many "traditions" that are barbaric however we are still very much in our infancy in evolution. Our body's are still designed to process meat as...
1) Slavery is VERY MUCH alive in the world(and in the USA): http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editorials/la-ed-slavery8-2009jan08,0,1440842.story
2) We may have claimed to eliminate colored fountains but the South is still a very racist place and many area's still practice segregation...
I LOVE Big Macs. Fav burger at McD's. But instead of buying a big mac value meal I always do this:
2 Mcdoubles - plain with only pickles.
Add - Big mac Sauce($.25)
Add - Lettuce ($.10)
Small Fry.
So my total bill comes in under $4.(and sometimes they don't charge me for the sauce and lettuce...
Only when I go visit my parents. Its a 2.5 hour drive and for the last hour I drive in the middle of fucking nowhere(it shortens my drive, otherwise it would be 3 hours) and its boring as fuck so I smoke a J.
I always smoke when my dad visits or I visit him. Same with both of my sisters their husbands. My mom quit like 2 years ago because she said as she got older she got more paranoid when high. Kind of sucks because she always mellowed out when she smoked Normally her motor(she grew up on a farm so...
its been a while since I brought any food with me during a flight but can we still take food along? Why not make Cannabutter and then Cookies or Brownies?
Yeah I LOVE to watch comedy when I'm baked. Thats how I got to love That 70's show. I still record it daily on my DVR. Plan on buying the ultimate edition one day.
Californication is another good one. Anything with Cheech and Chong is always good too and Pink Floyd is greaaaaaaaaaaat to listen...