it could be ph issues which cause nutrient lockout and that mimics nutrient deficiency's so you got to be certain which one it is before you do anything or it will only get worse
good luck with that man...think ive got on top of that deficiency now fingers crossed, received my garden lime today aswell so ive added that in see what happens over the next couple of days
i didnt think you would get the results it says but my m8 done it with his girlfriend and there rip big...
soak a towel hang it in your grow room and leave a fan blowing on it this will raise humidity a fair bit without spending money but the fan needs to be blowing on the towel or it will not work
ive been reading up about it for hours, if the soil's ph is below a certain point then its not able to take up all the nutrients it needs causing deficiency's or lockout's
my ph run off is 5.6 and i have deficiency's and everyone seems to say you dont need to ph water with organics but you obviously do because i have deficiency's due to run off ph
what i ment was see if you get any signs of deficiency's, not flowering yet but they all have pre flowers so should be in flower soon, i think i have been under feeding them and this has caused the deficiency's and slow growth next feeding gona up the dose, lights of atm back on at 9 ill take...