looks like work here, flushed 4 lemon skunks, and cut one other yesterday, she trimed and hanging now, still have 15 to go, they are white widow and northern lights.
update. Today i cut one of the lemon skunks and trimed and got her hanging in the drying tree. The other 4 have been flushed, will do it one more time later today. Then they will get the chop. All others are ready for flushing, but dont want to get to far ahead of my self. Next will be the...
ok had to go back and see how long these clones have been flowering. looks like im in my 11th or 12th week of flower now . they are getting ready for harvesting time. im going to start watering start watering for a week then flush them. for harvest.
the six clones are starting pre bud stage...
yea i agree about the amount, but dam thats take all the triming out of it, and when you deal in bulk, that the only way to go. bro if you build one than do to one for me.
Cruze he's right bro. Dude that last 10 i did was a hole lot lot lot of work, and i didnt learn. Becuase im doing 20 now. But dammmmmm i might half to come help ya come harvest time. Not to mention drying time,and space. You better start buying jars now. Hell dude i got 20 jars full on last...