lol i agree with haze2.. i dunno too many good girls with xxx in their name! lmao... anywho just wanted to say hi cuz i haven't found too many other chicks on this site! :-)
Buddhists believe the purpose of life is to end suffering.
Karma would teach people to do nice things, in turn nice things will happen to them, which would be a step toward the Buddhist life goal.
But whatever. I still think all organized religion is BS.
Yeah Buddhism is the only one that really comes close to making any sense... did a little research on it about 5 years ago... and I couldn't make a lot of sense out of it. What I could understand seemed ok... but then there was all this other stuff that involved goddesses and that's where my...
I do not believe in any god whatsoever. I have learned about many different religions, tried them out... none of them worked for me. For a while I thought that maybe I was being too picky and I was just looking for the "perfect religion."
But that wasn't the case at all. I just plain and simple...
I feel the same way... and I live in a VERY small town... so there's nothing to do at nighttime because if you are out walking the streets you'll have cops stopping you every 10 minutes! It sucks!
Ok so I see those stupid Above The Influence commercials EVERY DAY! The information they are giving people is very misleading, because not everyone acts the same when they are high. I am not a different person when I'm stoned. I'm actually a BETTER PERSON when I use marijuana because I'm a lot...
In maine usa (where I'm at :mrgreen: ) if you get caught with any amount of weed you have to pay like a $400+ fine. But no jail time on the first offense. So weed isn't that big of a deal around here.. the cops don't go lookin for it or anything... they just try to find the pills.
lol that was funny..not as good as the other ones though..
and on another note, those sham wows are actually pretty neat. my mom ordered some and the second they got there she dumped a bunch of water on the floor to test em out and they work great!
go figure, they're actually sellin...
well when i get my own place again it ain't gonna be very big so i'm not gonna be able to have that many plants probably 4 of 5 maximum. and cost is a HUGE issue. so i don't want any "special lights" that I need buy any extra gadgets for just to hang them. i just want something simple not too...
lol ewww pond water. i can't wait to leave this place.... swamps everywhere, highly-religious communitites... the only good thing i have to say about this state is that there are a lot of stoners here.