Belladonna or Datura as the plant is known is extremely potent, said to be a quarter gram at most and even then depending on each persons chemistry it could result in total psychosis or death. The active ingredients are hyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine and is used in trace amounts for the sea...
prolly get another girtl because if you arent into something getting the sales pressure to be into it is not going to get romantic for you anytime quick.
day of thirteenth birthday all my family is home Im at grandmas in the back yard smoking a joint with my best friend came home to the bbq high as mofo, dad may have suspected something but i pulled it off..21 years later...he still suspects something and I still pull it off lol
me and a bro were on the first of the white widow from harvest, it had finally cured and you know we are smokers and we know weed for decades... So we are just kinda regular buzzed passing the glass and then about tem minutes we both went whoaaaa.. it started to HIT us time released...
AZMAN ! actually you are correct! polar shifts happen regularly as documented in the consistent 15 degree average change in the orientation of iron particles in various geological samples corresponding to specific timelines. And YEP WE ARE RIGHT ON TIME... next projected north pole is Moscow...
it is all about the crack and in Ireland the crack is slang for humor. This is an amazingly family and community oriented country and as well it is one place hit hard economically. They had a strong tech boom for a while but like the rest of the globe they feel the global recession... have good...
weather it is herb or not some are just into usury (like banks!) I define people like this as energy vampires. Up to you to set the parameters and enforce as well weed out the vamps quick and clean else wise your just enabling their behavior.
ANYTHING that shows global warming (and by extension a threat to corporate profits) is VERBOTTEN. Look I think our country is gone all that there is is the dividing of the pieces getting rid of net neutrality (hello Google and Verizon you muther fuckers) is the final step to stop the flow of...
the better tactic is to be calm refocus your needs and articulate them clearly because for certain there is a wealth of talent and skill here that you can access. You just need to be a little more clear and or patient in finding out what you need to know. Name calling or other forms of tantrums...
couple of gardening tips, a small coil of solid copper wire is true anti slug protection, a nice wire mesh dome is great June Bug / other insect protection. Hot pepper wax spray (gardens Alive) is petty decent racoon/deer protection. Also if you dig a hole big enough to put say a mayonaise jar...
Well there is no invisibility cloak going on that is for certain... Me ? I love to landscape... fast growing lemon grass dune cord grass Banana plants large bushes say Hibiscus and Duranta Repens lens a sense of CALM and Privacy to one's back yard in Floriduh.. Various plants in various depth...
hi just a quick review. I germinated it in the second week of Feb 09. It was under 32000 lumens Flor. for two months with light feeding mainly liquid salmon, some occassional iron and vitamin b complex and once or twice some micro nutrients with pure filtered water with no nutrients every...