well am smoking the first harvest, white widow, picked the first plant a little young but not much just milky ish drying and curing for two weeks now. Me and a freind smoked a light bowl last night. Really just a bong with a medium bowl and damn. He called me up today and said damned that was...
i pinched a budlet off a ww flowered in sun vegged CFL. It was in flower oh three weeks...dried a week and a half... put the neighbor in a guinea pig position...an hour later
he called.."dude..Im freakin' stoned boy..".. thats coming from a daily blunt burner so I am stoked to have one two foot...
Just wondering because I have a choc. skunk that might grow more than what I thought..basically I rescued a plant i gave to a buddy, pathetic looking. now lush green two feet tall and about five days into flower, out doors. Its crammed in a quart container and I have a nice four liter available...
yeah no problem...started off 1/2 teaspoon alasksan salmon /seweed liquid compost to one gallon filtered water 6.5 ph every other watering, on a every other day watering time. one month increased to one tablespoon (and added some calcium like 1/2 teaspn. one time only) raised in neautral soil...
well is outside for flowering...for about five days now in flower for two weeks... oh my...things are a happening... it is size restricted in the container but stands three feet tall...
can you re pot a plant in flower? will it get bigger? here is one that was jammed between plants in the...
yeah! I hear the bubbelicious is a choice one.. I wonder how many phenotypes are inherent in it. Good luck on your grow, what is the light/soil set up ? running 36k lumens flwr cycle w/ ph neutral soil...and salmon compost/ molasses on most and flushing the one plant now..
heres a white widow at 1.3 months
here is a spare runt seedling I tossed outside after a month under cfls
checked it today getting frosted after two weeks of flower this is a week old pic
personally Im going for some auto flowering dwarfs and cloning the two white widow mother plants...
in a purely theorectical state of mind I would think hiring a moving truck transfering everything in big boxes during the dark part of the cycle and running everything on deep cell batteries might just might pull it off for you..theoretically speaking that is...
yep one of my grrrls aint I just found male sacs forming and pinched them all off....shoot..thing is this is a nice bushy three foot tall KC33... can I keep pinching off the sacs as they form and get decent enough bud? or is it a total loss?
thanks for the help!
looking north west from the private church of Wartburg Schloss (castle) in Germany a few winters ago...built around 1030 ad. Goette translated the bible there, Martin luther hid out there.. I grabbed my girls tits there. Ah culture.
a tiny village in the mountains of Barre France during ice...
wow really nice tight nodes, looks like a great dense potential you have over there... how tall? I vegged almost two months..with a ww thai and kc 33 almost too tall for my desires..how long do you flower that type for?