so I have these indoor plants and man they are just growing so well on the cfl I had to remove one just to get the other three the light they need. Next grow is a round of auto dwarfs and white widow clones.
here the recently paroled kc33 displays the greenest mutha truckin leaves I have on my...
yeah hashlover the Safer is good I use it as a pre empting barrier..just spray the bejeebus out of the grow room ceiling to floor then around it and all the containers. A clean room is a happy room ;)
digging the sayword express ...shits going on bro. Looking gooood.
the real question is why indoors?
there are so many types thousands really. If your hung upon it then go with an antique variety at least the genetics are hardy and can take some dicking around with. Having designed landscapes from zone three to 11b I can say that you can grow them outside...
having been clinically dead for 15 minutes I can say yes there is. Learn your lessons in this life, be the steward of others and know your are from the source of pure unending love and are a child of this universe, - love is everything. I am only back here because they sent me back. I have...
no offense oakies...fuck oklahoma. I have traveled. A lot and at length world wide I hear Oklahoma you know what i hear ? Crickets and chewing tobacco being spat out. From the great temperate rainforest of Washington state to the john Muir trail just north of Frisco. your mind will be blown laid...
your plant nodes are so tight...only one ww of mine is like that the other is stretchy easily taller than the thai or kc33 I have. Though I have another ww I tossed into the outside in the back yard and the shorter light schedule put it into flower. Looks like it will be one solid footlong bud...
ever think of growing garlic in some separate containers? It keeps so man pests off my roses. I also chop garlic put it in water bottles and let it stay in the sun 48 hours. makes a great spray for aphids and the like. interesting grow -I'm hanging out.
I have this thai skunk Im holding just went into the flowering schedule. But given that I have a really nice set of white widows and a KC33 is it worthwhile to just yank the thai and let it work some more outside? I am at 13 hours daylight now outside and its just going to get more daylight till...
I just moved everything around and started to induce flowering in the four main plants. I switched the bulbs out to fall colors and have begun shortening the hours about an hour a day till next week the 12/12. I'e got the seedlings and clones in a separate area for now but need to come up with...
im wondering where did you find grape ape? i have been looking for that for a while. heres my grow now; white widow thai and kc33
yeah fifties to seventies this week then warming up. I will flower starting next week. the thing is I wonder if after being in the lights will the clones want to flower on time or will they grow extra large due to the day lights seasonal cycle? A six month grow till the light starts to change...