Disagree. Seems the barleycorn boys didn't want much to do with pot at all. Who was responsible for/behind the flawed distribution plan in the referendum? Wasn't it added to the proposed ordinance language late? What's the plan going to be for a tourist to smoke? Drive the highway with the...
Who will have the final say on raids now? The Judge was the executive on the case, slightly removed. Infallible detectives and honest as the day is long, sergeants are going to be answerable to ?????. On the dead dog front: The Fed. Circuit covering New York has ruled that an unlicensed dog is...
Right, then pressed in a wooden press. Quality control is fine tuned when you are dealing with the kind. Not much shelf space, it's def. old school and consumption may not be as sublime/smooth as modern products. There is a producing area in the Mid. East ( Morocco? Ba'lobakk? Anyone know?)...