Has anyone ever grown DJ Short's "TRUE BLUEBERRY" just looking for some feedback I love blueberry but don't:weed: know anyone who has ever smoked or grown this strain.
What can I say its my favorite. Lets face it every one knows how good Serious Seeds are I am just trying to put out the word for another seed co that I think has just as good weed as them. Damn I almost feel like there spokesman they should be paying me. But yea I'm saying Warlock or White Russian
Also I wanted to say if you are looking for a strain that has mostly Sativa characteristics except the flowering time Warlock is another excellent choice
One stop seed shop, has the most info that you can find out of any seed bank. You just click on the strain and there is a box below that says " click here to see all pictures and reviews" http://www.1stopseedshop.co.uk/site/index.asp?vip=n99c110YFP80&rate=USD%20-%201.1888&style=&bungee=
Actually its more cerebral at first then when you start coming down you feel stoned, even though it is mostly Indica it has a lot of Sativa characteristics.
If I had only 1 choice. I would grow Warlock because it is easy to grow, has top quality, matures fast, and is very potent. Plus I love the outstanding high.
I think your going to the wrong place to get your pre paid visa. I have already purchased one for over $500. Do you have an M&I bank or a Chase? Try a different bank.
Don't think you can do that. Why do you have a limit? I just go to the bank and get a visa gift card and put as much $$ on it as you need. remember visa charges a fee for international orders