Aye your bang on m8, nice smoke but not very strong. Glad it's fuckin over tbh lol, he wanted 5/5 for a 50% refund, must have been havin a laugh the cunt
U lads mine the charas I was waitin on? Only ever recieved half the order even tho he states he sent the full order x 2, tried to pan me off with half my coins back but I held out and got them all, not a bad old chap he is
Morning lads, u chopping next week relax? I've planned on choppin nxt weekend too, that'll be 9 weeks for the psycho an lem. Could let them go another week but due to work and shit they have to come down next week
Well thank fuck it's Friday, in a few hours I'll be headin up that road home. Seems like it's been a long week for some reason, working with fuckin muppets doesn't make it any easier lol. Another 2 weeks till the chop, goina get the lemon and psycho on the ripen for the last two weeks once I get...
Well if it's that much bother never worry ffs lol. Just wanna see how it looks m8, ain't no chance of me goin sog anyway, I'd have to go soil or coco. Can only fit 9 in a 1.5m tent with the systems I got. Would love to give soil a go, and sog instead of trees....but hey it works!
It was my m8 done it on these ones while I was away, he just pinched the stems and tied them down so they wouldn't bounce back up too quickly. Done it a few times thru veg.
I found the lemon easier to clone this time than the psycho, with a bit of training u get loadsa big heads on the lemon too. Hate to let psychosis go but fuck it, might just have to
And anything sells round here lol
Just skinning first of the day, been up all morning sorting my tax return out, cunt of a job but now it's done just gotta wait for the cheque.
On my next run I was goina go 6 lemon and 3 psycho, but tbh the more I look at the heads on the lemon I might just go all lemon, it's all about the...