I think I burnt the motor out, was raining and I had the music blasting, wipers on full pelt. Then it stopped raining and I never heard the wipers screeching like fuck cos of the music, think the friction burnt the fucker out
The fuckin window wiper motor has just went on my car ffs, not good with our weather. Goina have to take tomoro off now to get it sorted.....fuckin wank!
Oh aye I know what u mean now m8, mines just a drip feed so it's different. How'd u empty it? I use a water pump in mine with a hose connected to the bath lol, it's a fuckin ballache tho
Once u get an idea of wht they use only fill the res with what u think they'll use in about a week, they'll soon be drinkin it all in a week anyway, mine do in the wilma
I'd say that u lazy fuck lol, well that's the whole point in these systems ain't it lol.
When the plants are small I tend not to fill the res right up, maybe just around half and they should use that in a week, I try and work it that the water lies no longer than a week but if it does..... Fuck it!
My wilma tanks pretty big, not sure what size but I just keep topping the tank up. When ther small it might use half the res in a week but when they grow bigger they usually empty the res every 6-7 days. Just keep toppin up and empty fuckall out that's how I do it anyway
I agree man, def no harm in good E's, brilliant in the right company. I've had some laughs on them over the years and wouldn't change it for the world lol