That system u got I think there's a thing in each pot that tells the brain its full or something. If thats the case then it shouldn't matter what level there at on the floor
Watched the videos on YouTube and looked like loads a bubbles lol. 4" pipe means shit I reckon, in dwc ur pots are full the whole time anyway so wether it be 20mm or 4" no difference???
I mostly smoked on soap around the first time I went and the pure grass joints just panelled me lol, me an my m8, couldn't even finish the game of pool in the bar....just had to get out ffs. Was there for a week, all in all it was still a brilliant week
First call every morning was a bottle of...
First time I was in the dam was with a m8 and 2 birds we knew....landed and had a few drinks and blazed on some pure grass pre rolleds lol, was a bad idea before we sorted out a place to stay....was fucked lol