Fuck of u southern gypsy cunt, them was addidas trainers cock face, not rebooks, wouldn't wear them rebok classic cos of the big Union Jack on the side of them ffs
Think the mods only pick on a certain few in here, I ain't been banned yet, ain't had my account slowed nor fuck all and I can spurt some shit sometimes lol
Funny u mention it, my sis rang today saying she got one (I never bothered). She says when she put it on a certain part of the meter it stopped the wheel altogether lol, so she's moved it so it's just slowing the wheel down. Hers is just a pay meter, I'll see over weekend what kinda job it's doin
U ain't right at the best of times m8 lol. Aye it's strong gear but I work a lot too and don't smoke at work, sittin blazing psychosis all day I'd get fuckall done lol