Thems some strong pills m8, wiped me out for hours ffs. My m8s got a few off them doves left, they'll be gettin nailed soon, nice mild buzz off them. Them magnets just wiped me out an I remember nothing lol
Lol, u love ur fuckin munch m8. Every year after boxin day I go to the parents and pick up a platter full of turkey, ham, stuffing and shit. I'll be down the mora for it lol. I'm thinkin off stickin a few sausages and bacon on here you've got my mouth wet lol
One drop I had has been waitin on 50g of charas for 8-9 weeks, and another waitin on a reship of the same for 3 weeks ffs don't talk to me about drops!!
They should do grand relax, don't take much for the clones. So u actually had to go out today? That must have interrupted ur daily smokin routine of smokin all day