The bubble bags are re usable and very durable, mine are thick material and I have not done large batches as I only do enough to fill a mason jar when doing iso then allow that to evap and do another batch in same pan without removing the previous or leaving most in the pan after i get a good...
at the prices they charge who gives a shit, I saw one for over 12, 000 go ahead and buy one and tell us. I like to make iso hash and dont mind trimming so I can toss the large shit and only use sweet leaves, I NEVER see any info on how easy it is to use the trimmings for hash, there does not...
I prefer to supercrop than top if doing it to control height. After you top the plant it and it comes out of the stress and starts growing again you can bend the stems over and let them point straight down, normally within a couple of hours the tips will point upwards but you can bend over 8-10...
I bought the bags to see what the hype was about and went back to making iso hash as it hits so much better. I dont need different grades of hash and the bags give me two grades normally and the taste is nothing compared to the iso. I will probably start an argument but maybe you should just try...
it does look like hermie you will soon see nanas, You can pick them off but it normally confuses the fucking plant into thinking it can keep going I normally just use these for hash, make sure you have NO light leaks. Even the LED on the power strip can fuck you up or not sticking to 12/12
Lol normally if you open a reply and take a toke while typing by the time you post several others have already done so and sometimes you look silly saying exactly the same thing as previous. It should post according to when you hit reply not when you submit. We are often bumping heads but its...
if you blow a fan between top of plants and lights and dump the air from the grow spot several times a minute heat wont be an issue. I dont like the domes I found cloning much easier in solo cups half filled with soil and covered with plastic wrap after a good misting. This small greenhouse is...
best used in organics but takes months to start benefitting at all, in organic soils that are recycled this is awesome but in most cases there isnt enough time for the microbeasities and beneficial bacteria to start breaking down shit. Organic soils are usually "cooked" for a month to make sure...
its not that great if it does not contain dolemite lime to buffer PH, not sure what wetting agent is either but probably not needed.( wetting agent I know of is called soap) peat, perlite, mchoryzide whatever the fuck its spelled and dolemite lime is whats in pro mix or sunshine mix. The lime is...
you can make hash from anything just wont get as much and it may be weak but its going to be always stronger than smoking what it was derived from. I always double up if it comes out weak meaning if I am doing iso hash I will use my sweet leaves that have been frozen then use the 90% alcohol to...
its fine for drying as long as it dries slowly or at least 4-5 days anything dried faster than that will most likely smell like nothing or hay due to chloryphyl taste locked in and it wont cure out. As for loss you should expect to lose 65-75% when fully dried if not a bit more.
whoever suggested not to use HPS because of the light color but would rather use a weak ass cfl just because its blue spectrum? I would rather grow with a HID ANY day of the year as opposed to weak cfl the HID will produce much better just because of WAY higher LUMEN output fuck the spectrum...
I agree you can clearly see new growth and the last two weeks are the best as it swells like crazy giving all it has, nuggs are small but they look great. I would wait until you stop seeing the new white hairs which are putting on more mass now. All will stop and start to pull back. I think...
I agree I would get them going in 5 gallon buckets and then before you put outside for good start them off with few hours of real sun then back inside for the day then work your way up to entire day in real sun then two or three days at a time and keep an eye on it. You dont want to just toss an...
Lol you went from few grams to MR KINGPEN, I used to dream about getting bills paid and buying a bunch of shit. After pizza and beers dude you will realize its a bit hard to make a living from weed and stay stealthy. Grow for knowledge and smoke free good luck
Problem is your basically posting an exe link and I dont just go off peoples word as far as clicking random exe files. Very simple to reverse engineer this but I guess if it makes you feel safe, the hops to your isp cannot be faked unless you just spoof your mac address. better to just use free...
I never understand how you can wait for several months and all you want is one oz dried? lol you may as well just stop smoking why bother you can just buy on oz. If you dont want much why bother seriously, surely you know someone who you can just buy a bag of dirt weed from you obviously dont...