I have this, but wanted to see how to turn the drawers into a door and make it light proof. The video I saw showed perfect but I can't seem to find any that show how to turn drawers into a door and still be lightproof
There use to be a really good video tutorial on how to turn an old chest of drawers into a stealth cab. I can't find the video for the life of me
Can anyone point me on the right direction, was an awesome vid
just a quick question hoping people in the uk could help regarding wiring http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271581938062?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&fromMakeTrack=true these up, im guessing you cant just slap a plug onto one end and whack it in the wall without it frying?
does anyone have any ideas on how to have a small bubbler with a larger secondary reservoir and have it auto top itself up? iv seen kits for larger hydroponics but i need something alot smaller
just the way i always done it lol i have plenty of airline and i like the lid accesible without having the airstone needing to be pulled out which lets me silicone it in place
Just starting a new build to get me underway so thought id do a full breakdown of what iv done/ planing on doing, right from the begininning.
It may help some people out, it might not
Anyway heres a set by step of what im doing
just set up my 5litre bubbler:
get bucket.
cut hole in lid for...
never had any probs shredding roots, i put a few layers of pebbles at bottom to jack the rock wool near level with the top then fill the gaps with more pebbles, took my plants out most days n never had any probs
right iv had a few grows and read a few people dont bother adjusting the ph/ppm of the water to grow in, using ro water just add the nutes and away they go
is this just people talking or is it possible to do? would save alot of hassle on a small bubbler system
i currently have a 5litre bubbler...
Iv got some afghan and jack 33 seeds I want to grow but need to be able to keep them quite short, like under 1meter
Is this possible? How would I do it?
Thanks for any help
Iv only grown easy Ryder so not that good with these types lol
the first one out of them 4 pics is wrong, its well bigger than that lol
yeh so far so good, much better than my first plant which i got an 1/8th off dry :(
this one is huuuugggggeeeee compared
gunna give her a light prune in abit when i do a res change, try and get as much light through as...
Heres a side by side,clearly the first one didnt go as planned lol but its really thick and dense so not sure how itll turn out, the baby one which is the biggest is looking really good and i think iv used the mistakes i made on the first one and learnt from it
theres alot of new growth on the...
lol half the thread has dissappeared, heres the latest pics i spose
basically this is the first grow
it messed up and burnt but the leaves are realllllly dense now , not big or tall but its like just a small ball of thick leaves lol
and here is the new grow which is doing really well atm...