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  1. somebody1701

    Spiders taking over!

    Spiders are great to have around -- they eat insects. Their presence implies that you do have insects around.
  2. somebody1701

    Can I use pond water to water plants?

    Have you thought about how you would create the necessary pressure to push the pond water through an RO filter? I would just use it untreated myself unless you know of something wrong with it. You could also use a UV filter.
  3. somebody1701

    Harvested dry crumbly buds

    Boveda works great for curing but if my bud is really dry, I put a piece of damp paper towel in hanging down from the top of the jar pinched in the lid but not touching the bud. I've never had it completely dry and crumbly though.
  4. somebody1701

    Container for hand watering

    Why do you need to minimize soil/medium surface disturbance? I have a 5 gallon bucket that I put a nipple on and have 4 feet of vinyl tubing attached to. I mix up my nutes with the tube laying on top of the buck and then put my thumb over the end and water away without any concern for any...
  5. somebody1701

    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    You fail to distinguish between capitalism and crony capitalism which is only possible when the government has too much power and colludes with business interests to fuck everyone else. No doubt, plain old capitalism has it's flaws, but conflating the two is inaccurate at best.
  6. somebody1701

    Seedling lower leaves yellowing

    You need to start feeding, IMO. Especially since you are using distilled.
  7. somebody1701

    bud density

    It could be one or both. You have to check the specifics of your strains.
  8. somebody1701

    Please Confirm nitrogen deficiency, solutions.

    There's no harm in supplying N at any time as long as you don't cause N toxicity. I would focus more on P and K at this point. They all look hungry but how far into flower are you?
  9. somebody1701

    Seed Production

    I tried it. Didn't work for me.
  10. somebody1701

    Seed Production

    I don't have any pictures, but they are about the size of a raisin/pencil eraser when they are getting close to opening. The time I just let the males go crazy I had allergy attacks ever time I went into the room.
  11. somebody1701

    Standalone shed build for flower room - design advice

    Ventilation, temp control, humidity control, waste water drainage, water supply.
  12. somebody1701

    Pistils are gone?

    I can't imagine they can tolerate 90-105 with 15-25% humidity unless you are are watering them heavily.
  13. somebody1701

    Seed Production

    I've made seeds 4 times now. I used this method one time (uncontrolled pollination) and I got way too many seeds. Just cleaning the bud of seeds is a real PITA, although the resulting smoke was just as potent as unseeded, just much less. The best method I've used so far is to keep one or two...
  14. somebody1701

    Do I really need nutrients.

    Or just grow a strain that doesn't have a strong/incriminating smell.
  15. somebody1701

    What to do with a early flower

    Any plant can flower. Just leave it and you'll get what you get. I certainly wouldn't put it back into veg at this point.
  16. somebody1701

    Twisteds Shed at a standstill

    Why do you need such a large space for your mothers? I have mine in a 24 x 42 x 42 along with clones/early veg. It's also a sink and a worktable/countertop. If you are good at cloning, you can take an extra clone and keep that as you new mother so you don't need a big plant around.
  17. somebody1701

    Mold on my plant/main stim??

    Could you dig out some of the coco underneath the stem where it's molding? I wouldn't want to see any mold anywhere. If it can grow on the stem, it could spread to the bud pretty easily. What's your RH and airflow like?
  18. somebody1701

    Design Your Grow Room to Prevent Pests!!

    Don't forget spiders. Never kill spiders and avoid using non-selective pesticides.
  19. somebody1701


    If you veg long enough, you should get pre-flowers around the third node. But I never rely solely on that and usually wait to confirm in flower.
  20. somebody1701

    high humidity vs high temp...which is worse?

    I don't think that works properly. I set my RH to 65 and slid the temp slider up and down and it only showed risk at exactly 82 or 83 degrees. Every other temp shows no risk. Lol, I just noticed the days to risk: 1186. No wonder I never have any mold issues!