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  1. smokinrav


    You're in the politics section and you bruise so easily. May want to get that checked out.
  2. smokinrav


    A dismissive troll is still a troll. You have no clue about international relationships. You're just here to stir shit. And, sorry, I don't get the importance of your maps lol
  3. smokinrav


    Your talking the South China Sea. Fucking troll
  4. smokinrav


    Then why are you so constantly wrong? Lol
  5. smokinrav


    Nothing will happen in the Pacific. /end conversation
  6. smokinrav


    It is a lol. A ceremony of fuck all. I don't know how this ends well but it sure as fuck won't be at the end of a pen
  7. smokinrav


    Its not. Its speculation. You would do well to keep that in mind as you post among some very smart people
  8. smokinrav


    I'm not sure humanity survives. But the earth will be fine. All these things are part of her chemistry. She'll wait a few hundred million years. Maybe go through a snowball Earth phase. As the continents reconfigure into another singular continent, the miracle of evolution will take control...
  9. smokinrav


    Have you heard of trustworthiness? Nothing you offer has that. Troll.
  10. smokinrav


    Its true, war from America is certainly involved in politics, not justice
  11. smokinrav


    Oh hell no! I was 20 and we were partying at my friends grandparents house. At one point late in the festivities, my best friends grandmother pulls a glass of amber out of the freezer and offers it to her grandson Kris. He's like hell yeah, and downs it all. And Immediately goes into respiratory...
  12. smokinrav

    Donald Trump Private Citizen

    Racist against people with too much makeup? I don't understand
  13. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    You must perform 30 seconds of farts, preferably with lighters shooting you're emissions into high speed flames. You have a problem with that?
  14. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Let me count the ways! Philippines, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, all of Africa, all of The South American and mid American countries
  15. smokinrav

    Crisis in the Ukraine

    They attacked people inside the White House security perimeter! Like senior level officials that were unable to do their jobs anymore. That's incredible.
  16. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    My kids loved it, then hated it, then loved it, then hated it. I can also belch the alphabet. I am an English pub God
  17. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Like when I swallow air and let loose 30 second farts?
  18. smokinrav

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Its winter. Northern Europe is scared to death Putin will cut them off of their precious natural gas. I'd argue in the 90s, it was pretty obvious putin was a gangster, yet northern europe tolerated everything because of that sweet, sweet natural gas honey. The good news is, Historically...
  19. smokinrav

    The Marshall islands.
  20. smokinrav

    Crisis in the Ukraine

    We learned on 60 minutes last night that it's probably microwaves not Electro Magnetic Pulse. Not saying anything to Putin innocence. Its a great story on Havana Syndrome.