
I am dumb. The majority of people I associate with are far smarter than me. That's OK. I'd rather know im not that smart rather than pretend i am.
You thought that was a good speech? Seriously? Have you seen the RIU poll? What part do you disagree with?

So, let me get this straight.
A bit of Russia, that had been part of Russia for literally centuries, decided it wanted to be its own country, thus giving birth to The Ukraine as a country.
And we, in the west, approve of this mightily, and are getting all excited about defending these proud folk with might of arms.
Except two quite large bits of the Ukraine actually decided they don’t, in fact, WANT to be ‘Ukrainian’, what with having centuries of being part of Russia, being Russian native speakers and all, so they declare themselves sovereign states too.
(Exactly what Ukraine did to Russia)
And the Russians are prepared to back them up with might of arms.
But that’s bad, because, actually, no idea.
Is that more or less the situation?
Too bad they gave up the Ukraine on the dissolution of the USSR and Ukraine gave up it's nukes of condition Russia respect it's territorial rights. Vlad is violating the UN charter and trying to pull off a Munich, it won't work and he just maneuvered himself into cold war 2. Joe has got Vlad jumping like a cat on a hot tin roof over shit we know nothing about, there's retribution involved here and it will be had over the coming years. Remember what happened to Iran and they are still getting a fucking, ditto for Russia and it's overdue.
Too bad they gave up the Ukraine on the dissolution of the USSR and Ukraine gave up it's nukes of condition Russia respect it's territorial rights. Vlad is violating the UN charter and trying to pull off a Munich, it won't work and he just maneuvered himself into cold war 2. Joe has got Vlad jumping like a cat on a hot tin roof over shit we know nothing about, there's retribution involved here and it will be had over the coming years. Remember what happened to Iran and they are still getting a fucking, ditto for Russia and it's overdue.
That was a lovely paragraph but doesn't address anything that you quoted.

But i got that you trust Joe is doing something but have no idea why?

I have no idea of your Iran reference. Irans got a long and bloody history i would of thought.
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So we have two states that have been trying to break away from the Ukraine for a number of years (since 2014??) declare themselves Independent states.

So we have two states that have been trying to break away from the Ukraine for a number of years declare themselves Independent states.

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The borders were agreed to by Russia and without free and fair elections you don't know what the people there want. Vlad is violating the UN charter and there is no getting away from that. He recently invaded Belorussia and Kazakhstan to quell popular uprisings in independent countries with puppet governments. What makes you think ethnic Russians don't want to be Ukrainian citizens? Except for Russian propaganda.

Like I said cold war 2 is coming and I figure Vlad was maneuvered into it so sufficient sanctions can be applied to cripple the Russian economy. War would be to Joe's advantage right now with a midterm election in the offing, presidents and their parties always get a war boost and Joe might just throw the Ukraine under the bus to save America.
The borders were agreed to by Russia and without free and fair elections you don't know what the people there want. Vlad is violating the UN charter and there is no getting away from that. He recently invaded Belorussia and Kazakhstan to quell popular uprisings in independent countries with puppet governments. What makes you think ethnic Russians don't want to be Ukrainian citizens? Except for Russian propaganda.

Like I said cold war 2 is coming and I figure Vlad was maneuvered into it so sufficient sanctions can be applied to cripple the Russian economy. War would be to Joe's advantage right now with a midterm election in the offing, presidents and their parties always get a war boost and Joe might just throw the Ukraine under the bus to save America.
So your prepared to go to war to stop two separatist states from succeeding from the Ukraine? Two states that have been trying to succeed for nearly 10 years. Who speak Russian and have Russian heritage? Why does what they want not matter? Why would you force them to be part of the Ukraine?

agree 1000% that war would boost Bidens and Boris's poll numbers and war does that in general.
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So your prepared to go to war to stop two separatist states from succeeding from the Ukraine? Two states that have been trying to succeed for nearly 10 years. Who speak Russian and have Russian heritage? Why does what they want not matter?

agree 1000% that war would boost Bidens and Boris's poll numbers and war does that in general.
War and peace are not my call and I would not be so direct. The way I look at it is if Vlad wanted the Ukraine he would have taken it while Trump was POTUS and America was weak, Trump would have held the door open for him. Ukraine is a hostage against retribution that is in the works and Vlad just sprang the trap on himself. How else could America sanction Russia back to the stone age without the cooperation of allies and others? How else can you cut off their oil exports and kick them out of the world banking system? Take the money of Putin and oligarchs that are stashed in western banks? Russia has an economy smaller than Italy's, and I would use my strongest weapon against them. The average Russian makes around $400/mth, I'd work on reducing that to $100/mth, provided they could find a job. It will take years, but war is Hell, or should be.
War and peace are not my call and I would not be so direct. The way I look at it is if Vlad wanted the Ukraine he would have taken it while Trump was POTUS and America was weak, Trump would have held the door open for him. Ukraine is a hostage against retribution that is in the works and Vlad just sprang the trap on himself. How else could America sanction Russia back to the stone age without the cooperation of allies and others? How else can you cut off their oil exports and kick them out of the world banking system? Take the money of Putin and oligarchs that are stashed in western banks? Russia has an economy smaller than Italy's, and I would use my strongest weapon against them. The average Russian makes around $400/mth, I'd work on reducing that to $100/mth, provided they could find a job. It will take years, but war is Hell, or should be.
Its interesting that its all come down to the two Separatists states at the moment.

“Joe” isn’t doing anything, Vlad is.

I think Joe got Vlad to do something stupid and he's not above throwing the Ukraine under the bus to save America, I would. I believe Ukraine is a hostage in effect, no way can he allow it to go with the west, the average Ukrainian would be making thousands of euros a month in a few years while the average Russian lives like shit. I figure this is setting Vlad up for cold war2, patience is the word I should think. Perhaps some sudden large NATO exercises in the Baltic states while Vlad has his troops massed in the Ukraine would make for some panicked train movements!
How did Biden convince Putin to invade Ukraine so he could boost his poll numbers? That is the stupid point you’re trying to make, isn’t it?
What? lmao... That makes no sense whatsoever..ahh no.
Neither myself or DIY-HP-LED mentioned anything about that. We both do agree that war boosts poll numbers for incumbent leaders- historically. Smart man such as yourself would agree with that id imagine?
Its interesting that its all come down to the two Separatists states at the moment.

Tell ya what, the UN can provide peace keepers, Canada has a reputation for providing them too! Peace keeping is the UNs job. So much for Vlad's "decrees". Nobody know what the people there want until they can have free and fair elections, you know the UN right of self determination.
Tell ya what, the UN can provide peace keepers, Canada has a reputation for providing them too! Peace keeping is the UNs job. So much for Vlad's "decrees". Nobody know what the people there want until they can have free and fair elections, you know the UN right of self determination.
Let me play devils advocate:
ahh but Russia is part of the UN. Therefore fair elections are not a part of the Un charter. Wouldn't it be prudent to use Russian troops who speak the language and know the customs rather than Indian or Australian or other UN troops? Like they happen to be just there..Playing peace keeper.