
The Port of Darwin will be having a fuel line run from there into the adjacent American army's base. The scare campaign being run by Dutton and the Liberals in Australia is tried and tested. This is a desperate attempt to win votes.
Every time an encumbent Liberal government looks like loosing an election they cast an illusion of the possibilty of war.
Unfortunately Morrison who is politically aligned with the Republicans has done so much lying, just like Trump that nobody believes him anymore.
So he is getting Dutton to say it all. Dutton is a political exclusion zone.
The right of politics deserve nothing more than to be turned into canon fodder in a dubious war about nothing except greed and ego.
Vote Slo Mo out!

If this Ukrainian stunt doesn't help Bidens poll numbers Trump may be elected the next American Prez....
Nothing will happen in the Pacific. /end conversation

Then your not very informed.

Then your not very informed.

Your talking the South China Sea. Fucking troll
Your talking the South China Sea. Fucking troll

umm no............................................................................................. That's so sad you dont know where they are. A little scary but i feel very, very sad for you. Stay in school and be good to your mother.



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Why Invading Ukraine Could Be A ‘Real Problem’ For Putin

Yale University professor Timothy Snyder joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss why Vladimir Putin’s statements on Ukraine could precede “atrocious actions” and what a Russian invasion of Ukraine could really mean for Putin.
A dismissive troll is still a troll. You have no clue about international relationships. You're just here to stir shit.
And, sorry, I don't get the importance of your maps lol
Maybe he will get a show on RT
How Tucker Carlson Became One Of Russia’s Biggest Cheerleaders

“Right now, one of the biggest cheerleaders for Russia is also the host of the number one show on Fox News,” says Alex Wagner on Tucker Carlson.
A dismissive troll is still a troll. You have no clue about international relationships. You're just here to stir shit.
And, sorry, I don't get the importance of your maps lol
I think you have well and truly proven who is here to stir shit and troll.

No you probably dont..Its OK the rest of us do.
The plan according to some was to kill democracy. tRUmp was installed and his part was the most important, bad idea to give the nutjob the central role. The players are putin, xi, mbs, bj, and trump. Stinkys only job was to stay in power and do nothing when the shit started flying, just not defend the world when the shooting started. Putin and Xi would supply the muscle. Wonder what the new plan is?
they just did.....so much for Norstrem, and the UK already sanctioned 5 banks, the EU is next and the US to bring them down as well
Ok, so what’s Russia going to do about it? Wii they still take the states, take the sanctions and not care because in the end they will make more profit from the pipeline or something to do with the territory they are getting . They must have seen this coming and don’t care. Or are they that stupid?