He didn't, but I figure he's been putting heat on Vlad and this is a reaction to that heat, I also believe that the only way America can get enough sanctions on Russia to have an effect, is if Vlad does something stupid, which he did. Finland and even Sweden are interested in joining NATO now FFS! The facts on the ground there have not changed materially, they controlled those section of the Ukraine already anyway through proxies, now they moved troops in and are menacing the entire Ukraine and from Belorussia too. If Ukraine goes so does the black sea and Belorussia is surrounded by the west on three sides. If he loses those the Crimea and those Ukrainians provinces it opens up the sea of Azov to international waters and puts everybody closer to the stans in the region.
The danger Putin faces is not military but economic, when Russians see how well those who went with the west are doing compared to themselves they will be most unhappy. Essentially Vlad has the same problem the old soviet union faced. He's been having trouble in his empire of vassal states and must hold them by force now by deploying troops. Modern empires are economic, not military, Vlad has yet to learn that lesson.