Search results

  1. Woodsman

    What is the most you've ever smoked?

    A couple of weeks ago I smoked 7 bowls, a blunt (that we hotboxed), and a joint. I accomplished this task in 6 hours traveling to several different parties with my friend James. Fun fact: I only smoked 2 bowls of my own stuff.:mrgreen:
  2. Woodsman

    japanese people!!

    I have seen that same game before, but it was a different video clip. They have some WEIRD game shows. YouTube - Japanese Game Show (Quiet Library) Torture Library YouTube - 笑ってはいけないハイスクール (English Lesson) with sub Beaten if you laugh.
  3. Woodsman

    Enter the ninja

    Then you clearly haven't seen YouTube - Indian Thriller with English Lyrics! .
  4. Woodsman

    is 8 pounds good?

    I have about 40 seeds right now, I figure if I go ahead and germinate them now I could get at least 15,000 kg. by Friday.
  5. Woodsman

    Enter the ninja

    Basically. Also, you should check this out. YouTube - Night of Fire It is not really relevant, but I laugh my ass off every time I see it.
  6. Woodsman

    Where in the US is it legal to grow?

    Norml has state by state guidelines on this page: State By State Laws - NORML You can find out pretty much anything about each of the 50 state's laws. Alaska is pretty tolerant.
  7. Woodsman

    Should I go to Jamaica or Amsterdam?

    Have you been to either? What is your experience?
  8. Woodsman


    The thing for me is, I usually don't read a persons name, I just look at their avatar. I can recognize most of the people I respect on this forum by a picture of a woman getting fingered or a woman who loves the American way.
  9. Woodsman

    Best Rap Music

    Anytime bro. If I could ever go back, I would work in a record store. Not some lame ass FYE or Circuit City shelves, a REAL record store. I would love to be Barry in High Fidelity.
  10. Woodsman

    Enter the ninja

    I hate when I start threads and they get dozens of views, but no one replies. I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU GOOD SIR! I love laughing at the "X-Treme" pop culture movement. I involve myself with it alot as a joke, thinking it all WAS a joke. I recently found out that there is no joke, and...
  11. Woodsman

    Best Rap Music

    You MUST listen to Enter the Wu-tang (36 Chambers) by the Wu-Tang clan. The Wu-Tang is a must. Your rap tastes seem very similar to mine, so you will probably like them. Here is something you should also look at, Hardcore hip hop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia That link is a list of...
  12. Woodsman

    Why do YOU smoke the smoke you smoke?

    I usually smoke KB, because that is the best stuff that I can get my hands on around here. If I had the choice though, I would smoke purple haze all day long. I like to smoke before I listen to music, and when I need to relax after a hard day. If I have something that I don't understand in a...
  13. Woodsman

    Should I go to Jamaica or Amsterdam?

    Okay guys, I have decided I am going to on a trip after I get out of school with some of my friends. I am thinking either Jamaica or Amsterdam. I would love to go to both places but I have some reasons against both. Jamaica: Pros -They speak English (and some Patwa) -Bob Marley tourism -ITS...
  14. Woodsman

    Salvia Is Pretty Close To Being Banned.

    They sell the damn plant in Lowes, it is not going to be hard! Christ, I remember my mother used to grow that stuff in her garden!
  15. Woodsman

    Has Anyone Ever Had a Leary Biscuit?

    Hi We Are Having Great Rates On Magazines Right Now Lolol Mr. Bergis!
  16. Woodsman

    Has Anyone Ever Had a Leary Biscuit?

    Okay about 20 minutes ago I started getting this "comesy-goesy" feeling of euphoria and understanding. I am really focused and want to read. This seems like more of an "intellectual" high. I've worked about halfway through How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster today; after...
  17. Woodsman

    Has Anyone Ever Had a Leary Biscuit?

    Thanks for the well wishes Reprogammed! I am going to continue my quest with Leary biscuits today. I ate about 2 grams of weed on three biscuits about 45 minutes ago, I am not feeling anything yet but that is the same as it was yesterday. I upped my dosage by a gram because I really want to...
  18. Woodsman

    Salvia Is Pretty Close To Being Banned.

    Saying that alcoholism is on par with salvia use and "porn addiction" utterly disgusts me. I can NOT believe what kind of crap people are actually trying to pass these days. Alcoholism is an addiction, Crack is an addiction, ANAL IS NOT AN ADDICTION!
  19. Woodsman

    Salvia Is Pretty Close To Being Banned.

    YouTube - CNN Report: Porn Addiction
  20. Woodsman

    Salvia Is Pretty Close To Being Banned.

    This is the same kind of shit they did to get weed banned. This is ridiculous.