Salvia Is Pretty Close To Being Banned.

Missouri, Delaware, and I think one other have already made it a Scheduled drug. I lived in Missouri awhile and almost friggin protested when they made it Schedule 1.

Good ol' America, right?
Saying that alcoholism is on par with salvia use and "porn addiction" utterly disgusts me. I can NOT believe what kind of crap people are actually trying to pass these days. Alcoholism is an addiction, Crack is an addiction, ANAL IS NOT AN ADDICTION!
even if they banned it you can buy the seeds and grow it yourself and learn how to extract it. they sell the seeds at alot of nurseries.
were i live there tryin to make it illegal..cause some kid killed himself while on they say thats what made him do it..n i think it was because they said he smoked it everday..i smoke it only once in a while..not everyday...i dunno bout u? but weed does the job for me..
That's crazy cnl491.

As always, leave it to some moron to abuse the shit out of something and give it a bad name.


Jesus, it's the number one rule of salvia...
That's crazy cnl491.

As always, leave it to some moron to abuse the shit out of something and give it a bad name.


Jesus, it's the number one rule of salvia... fucks up, n abuse it making it look like crack!! messes it up 4 everyone...:-|
n every one knows is the basic rule..even the guy that sells it to you says that!!
Its banned in 8 us states but will always be easy to get.Smoking it is ok but tastes bad so mixing it with weed is my prefered way or salvia hash is good.You make it the same way you make hashish oil
They sell the damn plant in Lowes, it is not going to be hard!

Christ, I remember my mother used to grow that stuff in her garden!
Its crazy stuff, but some kid smoking it every day (wow i cant even imagine....)... thats ABUSE! If he was drinking a gallon of jack daniels every day, he'd probably kill himself too.... or smokin cigarettes and slowly killing himself...

load of bs.

That being said... I've used salvia - and I can only imagine the mindfuck if used daily, omg! It can easily make you suicidal... and the letter that guy wrote, is exactly how I was feeling for a few days after my trip, but its also something that was always there.
Yeah, I'm sure if that kid had a sitter (no one entertains suicidal thoughts after a trip when a friend is around...NO ONE).
Look at his picture! He looked like every other depressed, suicidal teen who is driven to suicide by his hormonal rollercoaster and overbearing parents.
I say overbearing, because most parents that try to say their teen was murdered by a drug for a little national attention is only trying to wash their hands of what they clearly did to their son.

Disgraceful. I bet the DEA and their drug czar are gonna swoop in on this opportunity.
Ive never seen it sold in new jersey but i dont think its illegal yet. you can buy seeds and planting stores. In PA ive seen it sold in just about every form.
Yeah, I'm sure if that kid had a sitter (no one entertains suicidal thoughts after a trip when a friend is around...NO ONE).
Look at his picture! He looked like every other depressed, suicidal teen who is driven to suicide by his hormonal rollercoaster and overbearing parents.
I say overbearing, because most parents that try to say their teen was murdered by a drug for a little national attention is only trying to wash their hands of what they clearly did to their son.

Disgraceful. I bet the DEA and their drug czar are gonna swoop in on this opportunity.

yep exactly... this happens every day with other drugs.

Being that its not a HARD DRUG that causes series physical after-effects, it would be tough to find out if your a parent. I'm sure the kid had issues before (yea, looks like the "type", but a pic only says so much)... but daily salvia usage for any period of time is gonna really fuk up your view of reality. The parents are to blame for letting it get to that point, but I can most definitely see salvia's influence here.

Thats why it should be legal and regulated, so a kid can't order it off the net and smoke himself crazy... but save the experience for us adults who are better equipped to handle it. Making it Illegal is only going to make more kids try it...
That kid was a fool. I tired one phatty bong-hit of 60x extract, and couldnt handle much more. I know a guy that had 60x extract, and woke up in his buddys crawl-space. That kid clearly had some issues... and how could the parenty let him get like that. Salvia fucks you up good and proper, were the parents even there? Like what the hell. My dad gets choked when I smoke to much pot... Theyve gone and ruined it for the rest of us.