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  1. Snickelfrits

    stupidly mad result from auto flower

    im growin it right in my journal...thats insane man i hope i can pull at least an ounce off mine, its doing great for only a month since it popped out of the dirt...any pics?
  2. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    mmmmm yummy kitties
  3. Snickelfrits

    CFL cabinet grow auto Whithe Widow and auto AK-47

    OMG i cant wait to smoke her:leaf::weed::wall:
  4. Snickelfrits

    some of my photography

    nice man +rep 4 ya
  5. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    arizona green tea
  6. Snickelfrits

    Taking a drug to relieve pain v taking that same drug to experience a high

    i feel like people have been successfully using plants to self treat their own conditions forever so why shouldnt someone have the choice as to what they use to feel better or relieve stress or for whatever reason and not be forced to do exactly as a modern medical practitioner tells them
  7. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    i hate tea
  8. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    five gallons...daaaamn!!!
  9. Snickelfrits

    Call Of Duty: Black Ops

    im happy with the online, new maps next month, i think itll keep me busy for awhile for the mostpart until somethin else comes out although im thinkin about pickin up AC2 tomarrow
  10. Snickelfrits

    CFL cabinet grow auto Whithe Widow and auto AK-47

    havent been on to update in a few days shes starting to form trichromes:clap::-o:weed:
  11. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    in clown shoes
  12. Snickelfrits

    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    Jimmy Page is british:)
  13. Snickelfrits

    Call Of Duty: Black Ops

    i gotta agree although i did switch 2 hardened so no auto aim but i cant push myself 2 play the story, i am only at the part where u meet JFK, its pretty and the sound is amazing but it just dosnt pull me in or maybe im just addicted to wager match gambling XD
  14. Snickelfrits

    Call Of Duty: Black Ops

    fuck yeah Tomahawk is beastly fuck you quickscoper
  15. Snickelfrits

    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    i dunno about the best man sublime is one of my favorite bands and one of my main inspirations for learning guitar and bass but Entwhistle IS GOD
  16. Snickelfrits

    Mw2 or black ops???

    one in the chamber takes some skill
  17. Snickelfrits

    Call Of Duty: Black Ops

    hell yeah its like a shotgun w/ steady aim
  18. Snickelfrits

    Mw2 or black ops???

    not to be a dick but maybe you should put down the controller and pick up a book because your grammar is horrific
  19. Snickelfrits

    Mw2 or black ops???

    i dont know why everyone is complaining about the maps, theyre huge and much better design then MW, not just straight lines from point to point, and there really arent as many hidden corners for campers...and BTW if u have a problem with campers stop sucking at the game and kill them...most of...
  20. Snickelfrits

    Call Of Duty: Black Ops

    damn right, learn how 2 aim all u quickscopin douches