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  1. eyeballsaul

    Stoned thought.

    I fully believe in god and that spectacular events took place regarding jesus as depicted in the bible but not as described. Is it wrong not to believe the all of the hypocritical, manipulative words of man in the self indulging societies that control religious media present and past. In eyes of...
  2. eyeballsaul

    Best things to do while you're high?

    Also forgot get as drunk as you can have a bong and sit unable to move watching the room spin.
  3. eyeballsaul

    Best things to do while you're high?

    Fishing either basking in the glorious sun or standing with winds howling a fish on your line and a bent half soaked spliff hanging out your mouth. Also go exploring walk down a river or through woods, make a fire cook some food on it and have a laugh.
  4. eyeballsaul

    BEST SEED BANK to order from??

    sorry my heads up my backside, too many bongs lol, im not from the great usa.
  5. eyeballsaul

    BEST SEED BANK to order from??

    There are many top quality breeders out there, I always order off of pickandmixseeds never had a problem. I usually tend to go with white label, sensiseeds, greenhouse and barneys farm. Beware of what strains you choose, I tend to go for well known tried and tested strains. Just because a seed...
  6. eyeballsaul

    Making watering easier for large or even small indoor gardens.

    Here is a cheap and easy tip for when you do not want to use a water pump or need to water plants in hard to reach places. Say you want to use hydroton pebbles but do not wish to use water pumps or you have a large indoor garden and watering the medium in which the plants lie has became...
  7. eyeballsaul

    Little help from experience please!!!!

    As already said you might as well let them finish, just wait and see how many seeds are through it. Me personally I would scrap the plants as soon as I noticed any male tendancies. Through away any seed that you get from it as well and go and grab yourself some reliable seeds off of the net. Do...
  8. eyeballsaul

    You can take away the marijuana from man but you'll never take the man away from...

    You can take away the marijuana from man but you'll never take the man away from marijuana.bongsmilie
  9. eyeballsaul

    Coco, Clay pebbles and an air pump.

    Thanks for the replies guys, ye plan on inserting the airstone in the bottom followed by a layer of pebbles, then a layer of coco, then a main middle layer of pebbles, then a layer of coco and finally a small layer pebbles on the top just to help with algea growth . The clay pebbles are not so...
  10. eyeballsaul

    Coco, Clay pebbles and an air pump.

    Alrite guys just wondering if anybody has any experience with mixing layers of coco with clay pebbles and insterting an airstone in the bottom of the pot connected to an air pump, a feeding system is inconvenient for me asnow. So is this worth doing ? Should i just use coco nutes seeming as they...
  11. eyeballsaul

    Caannabis nearly legal in UK

    Lol im not goin to pretend i am well educated in this subject but i do know that he has given scottish people the choice to become independant, wether it be good or bad we deserve to make this choice. I do know that there is a reason david cameron does not want to give us this choice and if it...
  12. eyeballsaul

    Seeds Dying

    No bother bud and good luck with the kush , another strain thats good aswel if ur on a budget is white skunk grows a bit wild but the bud quality is excellent. Any problems feel free to ask, people are more than willing to help the only thing is is that alot of people give bad info lol so try to...
  13. eyeballsaul

    Seeds Dying

    Heres a tip for you aswel i think this is one of the most common mistakes people make, make sure that you have quality genetics. Too many people take seeds or clones because they are free. Why waste your time growing seeds that might have rubbish genetics and that might turn hymaphtodite. Buy...
  14. eyeballsaul

    Seeds Dying

    You can grow in rockwool and it will work fine. Probably the main bonus of using the toilet roll in my eyes is that you can keep an eye on the seed as its rooting. Rockwool will also dry out in heat but not one way is right and not one way is wrong people just have methods that they prefer. I...
  15. eyeballsaul

    Seeds Dying

    Not too hot though keep it feeling warm. I realise this was not your question but should help in the future. The seed coming out of the rock will most likely have a root underneath sometimes the seed casing stays on the small leaves underneath. I would leaf it :-) a couple of days after it...
  16. eyeballsaul

    Seeds Dying

    Not too hot though keep it feeling warm
  17. eyeballsaul

    Seeds Dying

    Been doin seeds for about 4 year now buddy and never had a reliable seedbanks seed die on me. I will tell you what i do by no means am i saying that this is the best way just a successful way that i am firmiliar with. Take a video case ( yes black VHS case or simular) and get a roll of none...
  18. eyeballsaul

    Caannabis nearly legal in UK

    That would be fantastic great post but this government are too hypocritical and care more about their image than the needs of their citizens too allow this to happen. Come on alex salmond you legend !!!!!
  19. eyeballsaul

    thc in trichomes

    In my experience they wee leaves off the bud will get you wrecked and ive even had some tasting a bit like the bud but i wouldnt dare do it unless i was out of bud n they leaves were coated head to toe in crystals lol. They leaves will be better than some bud you get and defo better than that...
  20. eyeballsaul

    help please.. green aphids on my blue cheese???!!!???

    Ye u can just have a we look on google youll find something or ask at your local grow shop. I have used vitality plus before worked great but not sure if thats suitable for so late on. Just try n get sumin as soon as possible.