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  1. PetFlora

    More tax cuts?

    don't know why you would use aging infrastructure although I believe BS said we would fund shovel ready projects If we cut military sending by 20% (50% still keeps us safe) we could fund a lot of things
  2. PetFlora

    4 plant 1 pound grow in 3x3 tent

    I doubt you can grow out 3 mature plants in a 3 x 3, but 2 i doable. You do want some space around them for air circulation
  3. PetFlora

    New grow light

    I believe Amare Technologies has a euro distributor. He is a grower who began designing leds for growers. His spectral blends hves been copied by many. I have been using his lights for 5 years
  4. PetFlora

    White Evangelicals will turn on democracy for a theocracy

    Yes, the world and civilizations are far older than our education system has programmed us to believe. That understood, the controllers have been involved then as well
  5. PetFlora

    More tax cuts?

    tell it to the idiot who posted gas rices were cheaper under BS (barry sotero)
  6. PetFlora

    White Evangelicals will turn on democracy for a theocracy

    All religions can be traced backed to ROME. Back when they were conquering Europe they realized control ovr their empire would be the problem, so the made a deal with the catholic church, hich became the Roman Catholic Church, and Islam. Both their bibles were rewritten (remember only priests...
  7. PetFlora

    More tax cuts?

    Im sorry, who is wrong? Note how many morons Liked his post without fact checking. Unfortunately, both parties lemmings do this
  8. PetFlora

    More tax cuts?

    LOL here's a video exposing climate change, not that any of you will watch, or change your minds
  9. PetFlora

    More tax cuts?

    WTF do you get your information? Obama caused fuel prices to rise over $4/g ($5+ in CA) because he was outspoken to replace gasoline with alternative energy why on earth woud you believe government statistics? Oh yeah you probably think climate change i real, ya know, cause they say so.
  10. PetFlora

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    LOL, you need to say this to UB, and all the butthurt libtards who to this very instant are focused on doing and saying ANYTHING to impeach DJT. Serves them right for having Debbie wasserman Schultz throw bernie under the bus The sooner we kick them all out, including DOJ/FBI/CIA/FEMA/NSA...
  11. PetFlora

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    the fact that she, her cronies (and a ton of RHINOs) are not in jail speaks to the corruption in our justice system- the same system that lets you run free
  12. PetFlora

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    She will look much better in orange with bars in front
  13. PetFlora

    Serena Williams

    In spite of all the tournament pundant apologists (and Billy Jean King), even Martina Navratalova called Serena out. Serena repeatedly demanding an apology only proves how privileged and entitled she thinks she is. SHE owes Naomi a PUBLIC apology also using the excuse that the men get away...
  14. PetFlora

    More tax cuts?

    Indeed. What Socialists (uurmph Progressives) don't know/understand is: Taxes on ordinary income are not legislated, they are VOLUNTARY! Why neither party has made this a primary issue should tell anyone a lot about who both parties are loyal to, and it ain't us. You want socialism, expect...
  15. PetFlora

    Serena Williams

    Wrong dude. The meltdown was the result of getting her ass KICKED in the first set, followed by 2 double faults in the second set: this is when she smashed her racket (automatic penalty), which totaled SIX at that time. She was her own worst enemy Asto 'coaching' this needs to change. What...
  16. PetFlora

    Trying to do the math on an affordable HPA system

    sure, if you post the ones when I had the environment under control
  17. PetFlora

    Serena Williams

    a brother chimes in dropping some truth
  18. PetFlora

    Serena Williams

    I don't watch her dating back to her first Open tantrum where she should have been disqualified. Also any grunting is too annoying for me So is Djokovic 13 bounces before each serve BUT... here's the situation explained which shows what a sefl centered POS she is
  19. PetFlora

    Serena Williams

    waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaaa