More tax cuts?

Never heard a President with conspiracy theories before Trump ...he is a special one

Super villain president, "The government ain't tapping your phone lines illegally without a warrant, stop being so paranoid."

Later superhero Snowden defies The Legion of Doom by releasing the statement, "this just in, the government has been tapping and listening to your phone calls illegally without warrants."
Super villain president, "The government ain't tapping your phone lines illegally without a warrant, stop being so paranoid."

Later superhero Snowden defies The Legion of Doom by releasing the statement, "this just in, the government has been tapping and listening to your phone calls illegally without warrants."
My microwave just blinked twice there is that
you're right. you sound like a reputable source. how do you calculate unemployment numbers? and show your work please so we can all follow along.


here's a video exposing climate change, not that any of you will watch, or change your minds


here's a video exposing climate change, not that any of you will watch, or change your minds

You don't bitch about climate change but allow Chinese the worst job of combating it according to their definition of the causes, just so we can have cheap subsidised Chinese goods. Otherwise intelligent unbrainwashed people will say, "woah hold on. I call bullshit."

here's a video exposing climate change, not that any of you will watch, or change your minds

The science is settled. Humans are causing climate change. You are simply repeating drivel from fossil fuel lobbyists who are only interested in pumping up profits of Enron, Chevron and other fossil fuel carpet baggers.

I hope that every Trump supporter in North and South Carolina lose everything they own in flooding that will happen from Hurricane Florence. That would be justice served. My sympathy to the few people in those states who voted for Clinton. Liberals should band together to help any liberals who are affected by their neighbor's bad choice of voting for the Science Denier in Chief.
Neither do I. Sometimes I mock when asked or reponding to ridiculous claims. Bit it's done out of frustration at such nonsense. There are occasions stupid needs to give stupid back.
Oh sure man. You came here lying and have lied nonstop.

liars lie

Nobody should listen to a liar.

Explain please with evidence how "single household, multi-generational wealth, or motivation" account for the fact black and Hispanic people on average earn 30% less than white people who are working at the same job. I want to see how you lie yourself into this conclusion.
How can you think we aren't affecting the Weather ? We dump garbage into our Oceans, We Pump harmful gasses into the atmosphere and the planet is having Record Hi temps and extreme Drought in other places. What makes people think our footprint isn't causing damage to our Planet ?

Until we stop polluting and dumping our waste into the oceans and the air. Like we were well on our way to, until the king took over and keeps rolling back regulations that are hurting our rivers,lakes,oceans and air, it will continue to have these harmful weather patterns that kill people more and more.

How long before Trump has us in a war ?