More tax cuts?

I believe you are confused. You are the thieves, the criminals, the scum who suck rich dick to keep masses poor and hopeless. Your party is spending the future just to stay in power. Look at all the repub reps jumping ship to into private enterprise now that they get the tax cut they've been dreaming about. Oh, BTW, buy stocks now, while they're profitable. The crash will be here just in time. Fucking idiots

There is no significant difference between Republicans and Democrats as far as taxation is concerned. How they want to redistribute other people's money is secondary to the idea that both think taking things without the consent of the owner is perfectly acceptable.

Just stop leaving a bowl out at night and the problem goes away.
price of steak is thru the roof. and bacon.

MAGA hats are dirt cheap on ebay.
What was the increase in wages, 0.08 an hour?

$3.20 a week

So $150 a year

Healthcare cost increases due to trumps sabotage eats up all that

And then gas prices are up about 80 cents a gallon

Trade deficit is way up

Jobs are leaving faster than under obama

The deficit doubled, massive debt is piling up

The trump economy sucks
What was the increase in wages, 0.08 an hour?

$3.20 a week

So $150 a year

Healthcare cost increases due to trumps sabotage eats up all that

And then gas prices are up about 80 cents a gallon

Trade deficit is way up

Jobs are leaving faster than under obama

The deficit doubled, massive debt is piling up

The trump economy sucks
wait until we have to file taxes.

trump debt per FY2019 budget will be 8.something trillion in 4 years compared to obama's 9.something trillion in 8

i'm glad my wife makes a good wage and we don't live check to check like trump's base
What was the increase in wages, 0.08 an hour?

$3.20 a week

So $150 a year

Healthcare cost increases due to trumps sabotage eats up all that

And then gas prices are up about 80 cents a gallon

Trade deficit is way up

Jobs are leaving faster than under obama

The deficit doubled, massive debt is piling up

The trump economy sucks
It sucks for you apparently lol. Bummer. I'm doing awesome. But I don't work for minimum wage lol.
what Buck said:

Job numbers are the worst since 2011, wages are falling, healthcare and gas are skyrocketing, and billionaires are swimming in tax breaks while the working class gets $1.50 a week

Trumps economy sucks

Everyone fucking hates trump

WTF do you get your information? Obama caused fuel prices to rise over $4/g ($5+ in CA) because he was outspoken to replace gasoline with alternative energy
I just think it's funny that Obama's number were wrong but Trump's numbers are right even when using the same unemployment calculations.

why on earth woud you believe government statistics? Oh yeah you probably think climate change i real, ya know, cause they say so.