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  1. conz123

    is there somthing wronge ?

    i might give that straw thing a go with a fem seed iv got frm my mate cant hurt it was free lol n im sure i read that experiment somewhere . peach thanks for the advize dude ill take it in to account .. so has anyone got any ideas how i could make a exhaust fan iv heard frm ppl that if u wire up...
  2. conz123

    is there somthing wronge ?

    kinda dry so misted them 5 sprays lol .. yeah im plannin to move them into another pot and leav them in the bigger pot in bout 3 / 4 weeks so yh ill ad perlite then .. my mate said he does eactly what u said he gets a pin n does loads of tiny holes up the straw then places it in all 4 corners of...
  3. conz123

    is there somthing wronge ?

    kk thanks my girls ..what you growing n lights ect
  4. conz123


    tap water or boiled water ( let it cool down lol ) also its only a little thing but may helpit wont do any harm if it doesnt but really shake the water in a bottle 1st to put more oxygen in to it
  5. conz123

    sun/light qestion

    it would probly be best to eleav it under the cfl dude as thats going to be most of its life and plus take in to account the temp outside in all be best to leav in ur growroom dude in my opoion anyway ... what you growing and in what way like hydro soil ect and lights ect an strain and have you...
  6. conz123

    is there somthing wronge ?

    lol need help partys going good lol ... yh i was thinking that because iv ran into problems that i could have advoided if i knew more so next time ill know not to do this and that so technacly making mistakes is a good thing so i knw what i done wrong lol i jus got bak frm town i got a lil...
  7. conz123

    is there somthing wronge ?

    lol needhelp yeah party sounds good .. someone sugested diging the seeds up n puttin them closer to the top but personally i dnt like the sound of desterbing them lol an plus i alredy sed i planted them deep so its true they will take longer .. but happy 1 has come frew ill keep u posted mate...
  8. conz123

    germinated seeds poppd up to surface 1st time i watered them ??

    ok fanks for the advice mate really helps thankyuou
  9. conz123

    is there somthing wronge ?

    wow finally one of the seeds are just braking the surface :-) iv heard from a few ppl that leaving the tap water in a bottle for 24hours and before u water the plants really shake up the water to put more air in it ?? so happy 1 plants nearly frew atleast when there above soil you can see the...
  10. conz123

    is there somthing wronge ?

    my water is fine ph 6.7 and the soil is now moist notwet so will my plants still grow or will the over watering at the beging kill them ?? really need help thanks u guys
  11. conz123

    is there somthing wronge ?

    quite deep ... left the pot over a buket to drain water n will jus wait put them in warmer place thankx
  12. conz123

    is there somthing wronge ?

    hi i have recently germinated some kc brains northern lights speacial seeds and 9/10 germinated well (last seed nearly done) i put the germinated seeds into some j.arthour bowlers all purpose soil and possible over watered them however i have draind the soil and now it is moist the problem is...
  13. conz123

    spotting hermaphrodites

    check this link hope it helps
  14. conz123

    what do you do with hermaphrodites?

    check this link hope it helps
  15. conz123


    check this link hope it helps
  16. conz123

    Sexing already?

    check this link hope it helps
  17. conz123

    Pre-sexing on 18/6?

    check this link hope it helps
  18. conz123

    sexing and clones

    check this link hope it helps
  19. conz123


    check this link hope it helps
  20. conz123

    Sexing a plant

    check this link hope it helps