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  1. radicaldank42

    Outdoor winter grow

    use hydrogen peroxide in youre water also try takin ga piece of san paper and try rubbing the seed to make a small opening it will help seeds break thru the casing. sometimes age can make em stronger or the plant made it thicker seeds also keeping the water at room temp or aroun th 68-74...
  2. radicaldank42

    Anyone know what this white mold growing in the top of my vermicompost bin? Or if it's good or bad?

    depends on how many worms you have and the temp etc. worms like colder temps but like colder as you think rite around 60-65
  3. radicaldank42

    Outdoor winter grow

    Do sugar puss definitely I got some as well. Leonhard terms. The rainbow chip is what I did my seed run with. Took a male island chill and I'm calling it chips A'hoy lol I
  4. radicaldank42

    Outdoor winter grow

    hmmm this seems interesting. what area/country? im assuming somewhere where it stays warm all the time.
  5. radicaldank42


    hell yea a little yellow to me but still looks good. im in the u.p. of michigan so its gets cold i did my seed run this year for them to start acclimating. the plants i started last november and used no heat beside the heat the 1000 light buld emmitted and thats that. and worked like a charm...
  6. radicaldank42

    Outdoor winter grow

    so what do you mean by outdoor winter grow like youre growing in a unheated garage? or like you dug a hole into the ground x amount of feet and youre doing a underground green house?
  7. radicaldank42


    bruh apothecary and green house seeds lolol biggest bralw still to this day lololol. i swear theres more drama in the seed world then there is in high school
  8. radicaldank42


    idk about no mudcat no some crawdads different story, or some turtle mmmmmmmm...... dont need a invite to a party that you crash!!!!
  9. radicaldank42


    i wouldnt get in that canoe.
  10. radicaldank42

    Should bone dry top get water?

    use a layer of straw or hay. or use some wood chips. keep the soil somewhat moist.
  11. radicaldank42


    idk weed is weed and genetics are genetics no matter where it came from. and i have some plans for hash plant and big buds with strains from apothecary and exotic. i also got puh tang from gage green group
  12. radicaldank42

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    im talking about the bubbles that form on top of the water, and if you actually look it up air stones dont actually add oxygen to the water like how you think its the disturbance of the bubbles on the surface that oxidizes the water. and if you look up air stones do help but not as much as the...
  13. radicaldank42

    how to turn purple

    so to be fair you can throw food coloring into youre water and youre plant will turn that color. most food coloring is clorophyll anyways.
  14. radicaldank42

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    for frost protection you guys should really look into electro culture. its gotten some crazy research on it about you build this tower and it generate a electric field that will keep the plants in a general area protected from the frost.
  15. radicaldank42

    exotic genetix

    same. to me this isnt my work and if it was me and i put in all the work im gonna charge you what i feel is what i put in to it.
  16. radicaldank42

    exotic genetix

    im not calling anyone out at all when i say this, but why do people get all upset when people charge beans fror up the ass amounts now dont get me wrong ive been to some private auctions with gage green where the seeds go for 20000+$$ i totally agree when i say thats rich for my blood but at the...
  17. radicaldank42

    diy electro culture to enhance and protect plants
  18. radicaldank42

    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    as for growing being a halt idk about that any sunlight produces photosynthesis. as long as the plants alive is producing energy to finish. as to as fast i can say will be slowed down. that and the roots start to take damage then slowly die off. but you can keep a plant alive in the 55 degree...
  19. radicaldank42

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    sounds like deep watering but different. interesting