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  1. U

    Shutn up about kush

    retract. random tangent that popped into my head.
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    How often do I water during flowering phase?

    nothing wrong with shultz. just have to test it with a more diluted application to start (which he's doing) I would say learn to read your plants. when they start to look wimpy, water. when they're looking fat and lazy, back off. or just set up a drip system and water a bit everyday (i do 2mins...
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    Flowering Questions

    Age: Regardless of photo-period the plant will not flower for ~4 nodes or so (did 12/12 from seed a few times playing with cfl's and none flowered until atleast 4 nodes. weird ones needed extra PK, pH fluctuation, drop in photo period etc.) with this said: the age/height matters entirely on your...
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    Party Cup Grow Off! (New and Improved w/ Prizes)

    new round already? ill start some by this weekend.
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    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    down next time. got ~10g total last time.
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    in n' out...
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    Do I have a HPS or MH conversion bulb?

    Product Features Includes one High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulb (400W) and one Metal Halide (MH) bulb (400W) Electronic ballast works with both High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide (MH) bulbs Electronic ballast is UL-listed, CE certified Two-year manufacture warranty on...
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    the BIGGEST youtube thread there ever was

    How to roll a joint Video
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    days like this make me wish this were legal in tx. want to run a new strain but don't want to start seeds right now.
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    Rolling An L

    bump. pass it to someone who needs to learn to roll.
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    Rolling An L

    no not oaksterdamn. for an entrepreneurship class i have to take. marketing tactics really. and as for the tobacco: don't think i could have gotten the concept approved if i used the other stuff and fuck that smoke detector. replaced the battery and it still does it (tried 4, did it after all...
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    Rolling An L Meh, it's a for a class. More views the better grade...
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    wrd, I remember april 08... fucking cold as shit and windy
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    fuck this weather
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    Is an inline fan exhausting a 2x2x5 tent, enough to cool a 250w MH/HPS? [+rep4help]

    why not have the filter between the hood and fan? hood>duct>filter>duct>fan
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    breeding with females from feminized seed

    i'd think it's safe. just don't use sterile pollen.
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    Who stores seeds with Desiccant

    +rep got one jar that i call the 'doomsday plan' and i use dry ice in it lol. every so often i just throw a few in the jar and back into the freezer it goes.
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    cigs & MG have a question...

    quite the opposite really. since i started smoking MJ i've been having less cig urges.
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    ph + nutes

    no. just check the water's pH as you would normally. testing runoff is more soil pH than the water pH.