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  1. H

    How to use co2

    I am confused about how to use co2 in my grow box. Im confused on how to induce the co2 but yet I have to use vent fan to control heat in the room. Can somebody help me with the fan/co2 timing it just seems to me that if I dont run the fan constantly the room will heat up to much. My grow space...
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    Whats the all around best HPS bulb for a 600w? and the best MH conversion bulb?

    Digilux has 600watt in metal halide sold by They are made for digital ballast though
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    400 or 600 watts

    I am framing up a 4x4x7 with 2x3's and plywood. Will the 600watt be alot harder to keep cool or will it work fine with a air cooled reflector. I am trying to get the most production but also I dont want to run into a heat problem. The grow box will be inside the house witch is kept at 76F...
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    400watts or 600watts

    I am still planing my build but I plan on framing up a 4x4x7 box with 2x3's and plywood or plastic. What would be best for my space I want the 600watt hps but how hard will it be to keep cool in this set up. I am willing to go air cooled but people still say heat can be a problem. The grow box...
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    Thanks for the reply im growing some endless sky by dr greenthumb very happy with there strains.
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    Does anybody know if pure G-13 is available? I see plenty of crosses that use G-13 but I would love to try pure G-13. Also I live in southern california so if anybody knows of any dispensaries with it let me know. I would like to grow my own so clones or seeds would be nice.
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    End of 3rd Week Pistils Changing Color (PICS)

    My plants do it and I believe its due to my hot temps outdoors but they still come out great.
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    Where to find God Bud

    Thank you guys and gals for the help.
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    Autoflowers way overgrown

    I have never growen autoflowers before but I know if they were regular plants I would say that the light was too far away and caused them to stretch also I havent grown in the grow boxes so im not femiliar with the light set up as far as being movable. Ive never seen nodes that stretched b4.
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    Endless Sky

    Yeah that sounds like endless sky alot of people have problems and they give up on the strain. It is very touchy with nutrients at a young age and then when people correct the problem and it starts growing bigger then it will start getting deficiencies from not having enough nutrients but once...
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    Am I F--ked or what??

    Well what about the basics whats the ph like going in and coming out ph problems show up as deficiencies. And from what I see now it looks like they are starved for nutrients due to how pale green they look most likely from all the flushing. Also a ec meter comes in handy to figure out if its...
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    Where to find God Bud

    Nirvana seed shop dont list god bud on there site any other suggestions.
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    Where to find God Bud

    I will check them out
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    Where to find God Bud

    Does anybody know where I can find God Bud with out going through BC Bud Depot, bad experience ordered 12 feminised seeds and the ones that did sprout ended up being male.
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    limp stems... underwatered?

    I agree with the weight of the pots but it depends on the soil I never used FFOF by it self before so I dont know what the drainage is like with out extra perlite and so on but everybody has there own ways.
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    Wilted Tops

    Usually its a sign that they need to be watered because the soils drying out and for the leaves yes the fringes will stant up when the plant is trying to transpire water but cant because of dry soil, saltbuild up, or heat stress some strains dont like heat but try watering if this is your...
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    limp stems... underwatered?

    I have the same problem and basically I learned when I needed to water by watching plants real closely and as soon as I seen the tip of plant start to wilt I knew it was time to so I would water a half day before they would wilt also I made the mistake of going with black pots witch get hot and...
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    Burlap for shade

    Has anybody ever used the burlap shading material that can be bought at Home Depot or Lowes to shade plants. Im in Southern California and the heat is getting up close to 100 degrees. So I built a box around my plants and tacked a sheet of the burlap shade stuff to the top, from the looks of it...
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    God bud 3rd week of flowering exhibiting yellowing of older leaves /w speckles

    Yellowing leaves can also be do to ph fluctuation. Have you added any nutrients lately. I use a organic mix that has enough nuts to get by with timed transplants but there are times were I have to add a little bit of nuts depending on strain after a couple of weeks in flower some strains start...
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    Top leaves shiny green color and feel "crunchy" ?!?!

    Usually dark green shiny leafs are a sign of too much nitrogen