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  1. messman

    Frost - let's find out!

    Thanks for the replies, and sympathies. I can't really cover them - I have a patch too large to cover. I've started to harvest but they still need a couple of weeks. Calling for a hard frost/freeze tonight, and I'm not liking it one bit. I'm afraid this might kill or at least damage them.
  2. messman

    45 MPH Rain Soaked My plants. So Harvest time is ... Today!! (All input welcome)

    I think he meant water cure them. Keebee I would simply shake water off, hang in a well ventilated area, preferably with a dehumidifier and a fan. If you don't mind losing taste and aroma, you could water cure some, particularly any buds with dirt on them. Search the forums - there are posts...
  3. messman

    staggered harvest - test

    Sounds great to me. Best way to learn it is to do it!
  4. messman

    Buds drying smelling very planty...

    The smell you are looking for generally develops during the curing process. The "planty" smell is normal. I even like the planty smell
  5. messman

    Frost - let's find out!

    Well now we're getting down to it. After several weeks of beautiful weather, now we are paying for it with some unseasonably cold and wet stuff. Going down to 30 tonight, upper 20's tomorrow night, then 3-4 days rain with temps in the 40's to 50's - downright nasty weather. So let me throw...
  6. messman

    Frost - let's find out!

    They were fine. They were fine, but at this pace, I'll be harvesting in the snow. More cold and wet stuff on the way...
  7. messman

    Frost - let's find out!

    Last night it hit 30 for several hours, it might have even dipped below 30 for a bit. Woke up to see frost. Ventured out around 8am (still around 36 degress) to find frost on my buds :-| They looked like snow-cones. Not a lot I can do as I have a patch which will take a lot of time to...
  8. messman

    please help!

    Dustin mine too have been in low 40's and even upper 30's, little purpling going on but fine otherwise.
  9. messman

    i am thinkin about hanging

    Give it another week
  10. messman


    I think it will be Ok - it really depends on how consistently low the temp is. They can handle light frost.
  11. messman

    Need Advice, bud bug infestation!

    Well it's sorta late in your grow to be spraying BT. A month or two ago would have been the ticket. Last year my infestation was so bad that after harvesting I had to pick through each and every bud pulling the bastards out. Probably lost 20% to their shit and the mold that quickly grows on...
  12. messman

    do you think this is ready for harvest?

    They look nice cirigan. Good grow! They look just about there, possibly could go another week or so, but if you say there are a good amount of amber trichs I would harvest.
  13. messman

    Garden Greens - 1st LST

    Heh - nor did I, this was not previous experience. I had no idea they would grow so large. It's worth noting that nothing is higher than 3.5' however.
  14. messman

    Outdoor Grow, Late Flower???

    In what general area of the planet is this growing? I would tell him to hang on for as long as possible, and get some fert or nutes or mollasses or anything down ASAP. Tell him not to worry about any temps over 32. It's when it starts consistently getting lower that issues will pop up. They...
  15. messman

    Garden Greens - 1st LST

    Hi Everyone and thank you for everything learned here - great resource and community. This my third grow (not counting one indoor attempt disaster), but things are a lot different this year, in a good way. My previous attempts have been late/small/not enough sun, but still I learned and it was...
  16. messman


    That is a bummer, and one you don't hear every day. I did LST this year, and this is yet another benefit of this approach. The plants do very well tied down in heavy wind.
  17. messman

    My first grow, 4 plant mixed strain 100% organic

    Sweet plants! Good job! I'd say perhaps 2 weeks - you might want to check out the trichomes under 30-60x magnification to see where she is specifically. Or you could pick by sight alone - check out Zeus' harvesting thread. Your choice, but either way it looks like you will be enjoying some...
  18. messman

    Drying and trying>?

    For fastest, you could try a water cure. Search around - someone posted instructions here. Or you could simply do the old trim and hang to air dry for around 7 days or so. If you have low humidity and/or immature buds, they will dry faster, and you can try it along the way. Of course much...
  19. messman

    how cold?????

    Buster your plants survived several nights at 19F, 21F, 22F ?!?!? Really? That's well below freezing. Understand these are lows, but from what I have read I was thinking maybe dipping to slightly under freezing for a few hours would be the max they could safely tolerate. I know they are...
  20. messman

    Trying to beat old man winter!!!! ADVICE PLEASE!!!

    budence I'm in the exact same boat, but taking mine out of ground is out of the question for various reasons. I have 3 diff strains at 3 diff stages of flower, and I'm fairly sure one will not be ready in time, but such is life growing in the great outdoors up here. I will simply go as long as...