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  1. messman

    Roasted Buds - what to do?

    Heh - no can't say I ever had this happen. One way to find out about the thc - take those dry crunchy ones and blaze 'em up!
  2. messman

    How much longer: your opinions please!

    show us another pic in 10 days
  3. messman

    Help worried about mold

    Mid 40's is not bad - been like that around here for some time, even high 30's. No ill effects. They can even take a light frost or two. As far as the rain, and all around moist humid weather, this is a problem. Just rained 1.5 inches here over past 48 hours. I go out this morning - boom...
  4. messman

    North East Outdoor Sativa......ready?

    Let them go as long as you can. I wouldn't have cut off the sun leaves though - these are the plants' solar panels. This may stunt the growth some but hopefully they will fill out anyway...
  5. messman

    1st Grow..Day 55 Flower... Unknown strain.. PICS!

    Looking good. Another couple of weeks or so and they will fill out nicely.
  6. messman

    Newbie Outdoor in So. New England

    Started budding 5 days ago?!? No way will you make it another 2 months. I'd bring her in.
  7. messman

    how cold

    I recently saw a post from someone in Maine who posted pics of his plants with frost on them! He said they had been at 28 degrees for 4 hours and they bounced right back the next day. Now I certainly do not want to see my plants like this - these plants did not look happy. But, I have late...
  8. messman

    Look What I Found Growing Outside!

    Not ready yet CFG - give 'em a few weeks.
  9. messman

    Newbie Outdoor in So. New England

    Do'nt worry about the frost Jared - seriously they can take light frosts. If we start getting multiple frosts and/or heavier frosts then pull. But for now take it week to week. So far so good. As far as harvesting, you can hang the whole thing, but far easier to chop branches off and work...
  10. messman

    outdoor grow!!(bagseed and whitedwarf)

    It is normal for some leaves to yellow and die off during flower, but you might want to give them some nutes to assist with the flowering (molasses at approx 1-2 Tbsp. per gallon will also help plump 'em up). They still have quite a bit of filling out to so, but the changes will come rapidly...
  11. messman

    BackYard Buds...

    Looks like they just went into flower, and I believe flowering is 8 weeks or so, so that's gonna be rough. Remember they can withstand some light frost, but I can't see the temps holding out for much longer than another month or so. Most people in the states will be chopping within the next...
  12. messman

    Newbie Outdoor in So. New England

    Hey Jared. We got a few weeks left my man. Looking like a Halloween harvest up here in NE
  13. messman

    when to harvest outdoor mazar?

    Yup - they will survive multiple light frosts in fact. They are very hardy.
  14. messman

    Will rain hurt my buds?

    Budrot is a major bummer. Nice pics by Land above. And as he says, it pulls out easily and is brown - you'll know when you see it - look for discolorations of any kind along with shriveled up, stressed leaves. At that point open up the bud and investigate. Cut out affected portion or lop off...
  15. messman

    green bud eating caterpillars

    Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) - "Liquid BT is formulated for spray-on applications It's the safe and natural way to control leaf-eating worms that live in hard-to-reach places. The insect eats the leaf and dies. Safe for people, pets & wildlife." Last year I ended up having to pick through each...
  16. messman

    How do you hand your outdoor giants?

    I run a length of string, cut branches, and poke paper clips through the end of stem, other end hook around string. I have a dehumidifier going and it takes about 3-4 days to get 'em just right for curing.
  17. messman

    question outdoor growers

    Not a problem. My girls have endured 40 already. Some guy from Maine had pics of his plants with frost on them - they went 4 hours at 28 degrees! And bounced back. Hardy plant!
  18. messman


    It definitely is something you need to do, but not taping, tying. Get some twine and tie down to stakes. The results are amazing.
  19. messman

    how much will my outdoor grow yield??

    Climate getting chilly but holding on.... SkyMan borrow a camera or something. Or I can come over and estimate for ya :weed:
  20. messman

    Temperature-How low can yah go?

    Can take a couple light frosts - like down to 28 or so. Some will even tolerate more. Once you get into the killing frost zone all bets are off though...