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  1. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    so i got some pics of the setup for you guys to see and sorry for the quality and unorganization could clean up cause i didnt have time
  2. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    right now i have it at a steady 83 so im going to get another out take set up before i turn on the circulation fan
  3. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    the fan is pushing the air outside of the box, its just right next to the lights
  4. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    Last night I added a fan right next to the lights before. I added the other fan the heat used to just go up make the lint fixture warm but not hot I think because I'm refreshing the ai t next to the lights it's making the whole box hotter because there wasn't as much circulation
  5. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    So the fan I got to circulate air is bringing hot air from the lights down is this bad when the fan was on my thermometer read 94 but when I turned it off it went back down to 79 So should I leave the fan off until I get a bigger place
  6. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    So a couple updates I got 3 more 26w cfl And I desk fan so there's a breeze
  7. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    so i know in a few weeks is going to stink really bad and i want to prep for that what could i get since im growing indoors
  8. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    thanks for all the help man
  9. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    So like a three gallon pot
  10. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    Ok I'm going shopping in the morning I don't want to transplant any more so how big of a pot should I get
  11. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    And I have passive intake and out take fans
  12. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    I have a plastic liner on it what could happen if they are together
  13. J

    6 plant bagseed gow first for me

    i germinated the seeds on the 25th of august and planted them on the 1st and here is the progress im using 3 100w equivilant bulbs and i am going to lowes to get 4 more this week and comments
  14. J

    Fox farm lst grow

    I don't have any nutes I have a wardrobe that's 2ft wide 1ft deep and 6ft tall I just want like to or three buds I have 3 26watt cfl's
  15. J

    Help me please!!!!!

    So I have six plants r in my grow box with 3 26w cfl's They sprouted on the 1st and have not grown since then Is that a problem
  16. J

    Fox farm lst grow

    So I started 6 plants all spouted on the 1st when should I flower