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  1. N

    exhaust needs

    If you say so... but it's been working pretty well for me.
  2. N

    Go Hawks!!!!!

    It's pretty neat. You can yell anything you want while the defense is on the field on nobody will ever hear it. So if there is anything you've just been dying to yell at the top of your lungs, and not feel insecure about it, the Link is the place to be. I heard some murmur that KC stadium is...
  3. N

    This get me high?

    It'd be gross...
  4. N

    Make the Remaining Pro Football Picks...

    Pretty good until the end there. It's cute you think the Patriots could score 27 points against the Hawks ;) It's going to be NW victories across the board. Go Ducks!!! GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!
  5. N

    Go Hawks!!!!!

    Holy shit that was loud...
  6. N

    unspecified problem (?)

    ^^^^ he is probably right ^^^^
  7. N

    Police helecopters

    Yeah man, it'll look like the heat is on. On almost all houses converted to furnace run the vents up the old chimney. A chiminey is exactly where you'd expect to see hot air, which is all those cameras can see. Your worrying over nothing. It's not like you've packed out a warehouse, and some...
  8. N

    unspecified problem (?)

    Salts can definitely be a problem, usually later in a grow though, I think it could be cal/mag deficiency? nomo could be right about the boron deficiency, but those are pretty rare I think.
  9. N

    Police helecopters

    Keeping the temps down is doable, it just takes some money in materials. Using air cooled hoods will help out A LOT, they cool down the bulbs which is your direct source of heat. Aside from that try ramping up your exhaust system, I have mine on a variable controller with the capacity to move...
  10. N

    did u fuck up?

    Hmmmmm.... that's not good. Any timer issues or hiccups of any other kind?
  11. N

    Go Hawks!!!!!

    Short answer: yes. That dude was toxic. A great player but a shitty person. The turn their season took was immediate. Plus to get traded to the Jets is a pretty big slap in the face. I'm sure they would have traded him for nothing if it wasn't against the league rules... I think a Pats v...
  12. N

    Personal closet grow in New England

    Coca-cola recently changed its recipe because CA says some coloring (when given to lab rats in ridiculous amounts) causes cancer. I hear you on taste, to each their own. Hydro has a lot of space advantages in that you can feed a very large plant in a very small pot if you feed it often...
  13. N

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    I love this topic! First off, the first line in the attached document above is absolutely correct, "unless you are diligent and work hard, the problem will not go away, your crop is doomed and one by one they will fail and die." Pretty powerful stuff and absolutely true. After months and...
  14. N

    Personal closet grow in New England

    I think it would probably be a characteristic of strain not yield, but who knows...
  15. N

    did u fuck up?

    Next time avoid transplanting when your in flower stage, stress = loss of quality and quantity. When you say your clones started showing too soon, what do you mean? How many days under 12/12 until they started to show sex? Clones show sex way faster then seed starts because that are genetic...
  16. N

    exhaust needs

    I think you're ahead of the curve by being new and being concerned about sufficient ventilation, it's often overlooked because it's not sexy like lights and nutes. What I've read in books says you want a minimum capacity to cycle your air through the space ever 5 minutes. That seems way too...
  17. N

    Cowboys! Lets Do iT :D

    I'm a Hawks fan but Romo won my fantasy league for me so I have love for the Cowboys, Murray is really, really good too. I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous about the Cowboys showing up here next week, they've proven this year that they can beat any team, anywhere, including my Hawks...
  18. N

    did u fuck up?

    No man. It's going to be fine. Transplanting is a little shocking no matter what. I'm sure your girl will make a full recovery.
  19. N

    Personal closet grow in New England

    Oh cats, thankfully mine don't like the taste but the sure do like the warmth. I've come back from mixing nutes many a time to find my cat sunning himself in my vegging closet. I guess if you're worried about space, maybe all 1 gallon pots? A smaller root structure will make a smaller plant...