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  1. H

    New guy zone!

    ph'ing at 6.2 in soil locks on cal mg. when you flushed did you make sure the run off buffer out to 6.5 ? cheers
  2. H

    Hey everyone just checking in

    Welcome back Phil, what field did u retire from?
  3. H

    How's my LST looking?

    Looks good, keep it up what your doing. Nothing looks wrong to me.
  4. H

    Not Maturing The Same?

    27C is nothing, it’s when u get into mid 30n higher u get airy buds. Pretty sure is some sort of light leak or super cropping . When a clone was taken from a 1-2week flower .
  5. H

    Not Maturing The Same?

    I think the second one is reverting back to veg... When you start to get single leaf blades, bubbly pistols; something is off and looks like light leak
  6. H

    Tent sizes

    Tent size looks good, have u alrdy consider other equipment to fit; portable AC, dehumidifer , humidifier, fans , monitors sensors. Etc.
  7. H

    Promix hp and nute burn

    900 seems low, what is your water schedule like ? Feed, feed, water? Or always feeding? Pot size, amount of water. Do YOu water till a little run off. Ph, More info please. Usually if it’s just the tip should worry, if it’s all the tips of the blades in the fan leaf than sort of.
  8. H


    Need a more focused picture #2, but usually u should see balls dangling from the nodes. Or from the buds “bananas” little yellow ding dongs
  9. H

    Smaller pot outpaces the bigger one, WHY?

    When u top or do anything to a plant , pruning, de-leafing, pinching , topping, transplanting , etc. U tend to have at least 1 week recovery mode. Which the plant doesn’t grow at all until it bounces back from repairing itself / getting over the stress
  10. H

    Ready for harvest

    How far along flower are you? Still looks premature. Looks like u started to dial down on the nutes . Don’t want those inner leaves turning yellow to soon. My guess 6-7weeks old. Usually 9-10weeks is when u want to harvest . Sometimes 11 max, You will tell if it’s to long , it starts to look...
  11. H

    Leave tips wilting and dieing and little black spots

    Hmmmm, are u treating them with a oil based spray?
  12. H

    new grow need help.

    are you doing this in a house? if so you are going to need a lot of AC power. have you calculated your hydro bill? if your planning to make money from this; i recommend you to not bother at all. if you just want to pay your bills and have 9 to 5 job. just do 3 lights max your looking around...
  13. H

    Plant sick can't find out what's wrong

    yes, did you do a soap , neem oil, warm water mix? usually when you do a high concentration of neem oil it does that to the leaves. just let it heal and you should be good.
  14. H

    Plant sick can't find out what's wrong

    did you mist them or something? i usually get than when spraying with an oil base mix. and not washing it off within 24hrs.
  15. H

    Frost damage or nutrient issue?

    can you upload some pictures of the full plant; thanks
  16. H

    Heat issues

    Got to know if ur on a budget, if u can get a portable AC. With ur setup and adding the extra light ur looking at an AC of 7000BTUs
  17. H

    Anyone know what might be going on here

    I would recommend not foliar spraying and see if it goes away.
  18. H

    Anyone know what might be going on here

    Are your doing a foliage spray? My guess would be water pellets/droplets are left behind/not evaporated before lights turn on and is creating a magnifying glass which is burning the leaves
  19. H

    will two 24w ho t5s be enough to veg one auto?

    You can veg as long as u want, just the bottom branches are going to look thin and small. The penatration will just be top colas unless u open up the canopy to allow the light to reach the bottom
  20. H

    1st indoor grow

    They are flowering, looking good to me. Keep up what your doing