Search results

  1. rippn13

    The Dawgs 1lb Grow Under 300 Watts Of Led

    Sorry I am late for the show Brother Dawg. I am hoping the popcorn is still fresh though. I have yet to figure out how to sub but I will keep following this and hope you reach your goal. I told PetFlora this and it also goes out to You, Scotch, Chronikool, PSUAGRO, and all the fantastic...
  2. rippn13

    Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream

    I tried to grow a few TD's with the same experience. My pheno's had a lot of Silver Haze in them. They grew like champs. I let them flower for 12 or 14 weeks (it's in my journal A-51: multi-lights; multi-strains) and was ready to let them go longer but once I saw the structure I cut them down...
  3. rippn13

    Pyramid please

    Anethesia is high on my list too. Does anyone know of anyone who has one of the those super pheno's of the Tut? Just curious how many beans one should plan on going through in order to find it. 1 in 10? 1 in 100? 1 in 1000?
  4. rippn13

    Hear Ye- Hear Ye LED Tubes + HH Spray 2.0 + BrandX Seeds

    Hey PetFlora. Sorry to hear you're down in the back. I hope you heal fast. I struggled this summer with an S1 issue and it made gardening almost impossible... especially watering. Thanks for keeping up your journal as good as you do. I have realized that it is not an easy job and appreciate...
  5. rippn13

    A-51's: Multi-Strain; Multi-Lights

    Things are coming along quite nice. This is the end of week 6 and they look to be finishing a little ahead of schedule. Another reason why I am liking these strains. The two on the left are the LSD's and the two on the right are the Black Russians. The BR's seems to have picked up a rust...
  6. rippn13

    good bank recommendation

    I have had very good luck with the single seed centre and will use them again and again. As far as the auto's are concerned I grew a few of Stitch's strains last year and will never grow them again. I tried the Blue Himalayan, the Russian Rocket, and the Onyx. I ended up giving them all away...
  7. rippn13

    Dee's Area51 LED Multi-Strain Grow

    Sorry I missed this run but keep them coming so I can follow you in the future. Always like to see the A-51's doing work. You also have some major talent watching this. Petflora is one of the sharpest growers on here as far as I am concerned. I use to defoliate too but have had much better...
  8. rippn13

    Pyramid please

    I have grown the Blue Pyramid for the past year. I have also grown their Galaxy. I absolutely love the Galaxy. Such a good strain. Not too powerful but a wonderful plant to grow. Easy to grow. Smells great. Very veggie. Most folks agree that it is pretty exotic and different from the...
  9. rippn13

    No more CC at Sannieshop

    My credit card / debit card was cancelled after my last order with Sannie. They did issue me a new one and said that the old one was compromised. I didn't want to do too much investigating since I live where I do. I received my packages and the authorities were not in the middle of it. Maybe...
  10. rippn13

    A-51's: Multi-Strain; Multi-Lights

    Ok ok. I may have been pre-mature with my not-so-good report of LSD. I think I found a good pheno that I am happy with. The stretch has been minimal and the growth has been fast. This is after week 3. I am very happy with the A51 - 220 and would be willing to trade my 135 and 90 for a 220...
  11. rippn13

    A-51 SGS Flickering

    I had a driver go bad on my 220 and had a replacement in less than a week. Great lights and great customer service. My seedlings are usually sharing space with 6-8 week old veggers so the lights are between 3' and 4' from them. They are also shaded by the fan leaves of the bigger plants. The...
  12. rippn13

    Sannies Extrema's stretch?

    I have 2 Extremas going now for 6 weeks in veg. Both are very slow growers but are about 2' high with 8 nodes. My plan is to super crop but at their growth rate it will be a long time. The stretch is going to be a bit of a hassle but should be controllable in my 3x3x60 tent. I was very...
  13. rippn13

    A-51's: Multi-Strain; Multi-Lights

    Hey guys. Sorry the updates have been slow. Things are still a bit hectic but will slow down soon. The girls are coming along very nice. I am changing my opinion of the LSD. As long as you have the right pheno and limit the veg she is manageable. I have 2 Extrema's that are over 8...
  14. rippn13

    A-51's: Multi-Strain; Multi-Lights

    Hey guys. After a great outdoor season fall is here and time to get the indoor going again. I hope everyone had a great summer. I know I am looking forward to a great winter... let's hope mother nature cooperates. Here is a pic of my veg tent that I am just now turning to 12/12. I am down...
  15. rippn13

    Greenhouse Seed Co.

    I got a cut of The Doctor that a buddy of mine grew out from seed. He must have got real lucky cause he was only given 1 seed. This thing has been an absolute joy to work with. It is extremely lemony. Grows big and dense nugs. Quick finisher too. The guy that popped the seed wants to place...
  16. rippn13

    Barney's farm LSD??

    Just harvested our outdoor LSD and it is fantastic. Didn't stretch near as much as the indoor and the smell is awesome. It is much more lemony than the indoor.
  17. rippn13

    Barney's farm LSD??

    Great pics Slipon... I know I told you before but your journals are one of the main reasons I went with this strain. Thanks again. We just harvested our outdoor LSD and I am absolutely blown away. It amazes me how much a plant can differ from indoors to out. Very minimal stretch and huge...
  18. rippn13

    single seed centre?

    I have never had a problem with the Single Seed. I have ordered from them for the past few years and have always had success. Their shipments are discreet. Fast. I have never waited more than 3 weeks. Tracking numbers have always been good. Freebies have always been good. The only other...
  19. rippn13

    Barney's farm LSD??

    I have LSD in my perpetual garden and am thinking about tossing it out. It is a great grower and a pretty good buzz but stretches more than stretch Armstrong. I like to force my will on plants and this thing kind of has a mind of it's own. Even when super cropping it stretches more than I...
  20. rippn13

    Hear Ye- Hear Ye LED Tubes + HH Spray 2.0 + BrandX Seeds

    Hey Pet... sorry I am late for the show. Been a heck of a summer. Good to see you still pushing things. Your knowledge amazes me. I have cyber-stalked you today and saw you an another site talking about the magnets. You have peaked my curiosity and I am going to do some more research. My...