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  1. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    I don't see you pulling any bullshit out of any story. There is no bullshit or story in this thread. Just a method to help fellow novices such as yourself benefit from their plants. I find it hard to believe that a kid who is barely 18 years old with a Johnny Depp avatar along with 1200+ posts...
  2. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    Thanks for saving me precious time by insulting yourself. You show all the symptoms of an internet forum addict. 1. You've come across something that you haven't thought of first. 2. You're natural instinctive internet forum posting abilities will cause you to try and refute the person who...
  3. jweezy707

    Attention All Gamers!
  4. jweezy707

    lighting help

    1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. Yes 4. Yes. If you are planning on growing plants rather than reptiles, then you will need a lot more lighting than that. Try getting 30w CFLs, 14w won't cut it.
  5. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    I sincerely apologize my friend. I have seen you on the television multiple times, I never knew that you were a fellow grower. It's a small world... :).
  6. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    This method may seem silly but I can assure you that it is entirely non-fictitious. Plants work differently than humans do, but after hundreds of years of artificial cultivation, they've learned to adapt to the human species. Have you seen the movie 'The Happening'? It's relatively the same thing.
  7. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    I will try and provide pictures tomorrow. I am at a remote location at the moment, so I have an inability to post any pictures at the time being.
  8. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    The best part of this method is that it is completely fail-proof. You can only benefit, your plants will never revert. Given that every aspect applied is at it's maximum arrangement, the plants will benefit greatly.
  9. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    It takes a few days, and remember your timing must be precise. There is a bit of a learning curve, but you will get it.
  10. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    Your subconscious must be fatigued my friend, taking a simple look at your avatar, name and 'unique grow' had the same effects on me (something useless and silly). The best form of treatment is getting sunlight. How long has it been since you've seen the sun? It has gotten brighter the past...
  11. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    Your the troll here. You're trying to refute this simple method because you didn't find it first. You want to be the Albert Einstein of your favorite community, I completely understand.
  12. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    Says the guy with the name Slojo69. Trying to be an e-GoodGuy on his favorite community so he doesn't look like the douche. Good strategy, but at 675 posts I think I could come up with a better one =/.
  13. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    Anyone can do it, simply touch the plant the same way you would when you ground yourself to a car or computer.
  14. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    Wasn't meant to be funny, 100% factual. Dogmatic people like you should invest more time in the realm of life instead of bashing away at your keyboard and trying to find a sinister looking avatar on Google to look 'godlier' when they post on forums.
  15. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    I'm surprised that it seems like a lot of typing to someone with 672 posts.
  16. jweezy707

    Advice for new growers

    First off, I would like to say that I have well over 30 year of experience with all types of plants, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and virtually everything else that grows from the ground. I am a master of science in plant biology, and my line of specific research is horticulture. Plants are my...
  17. jweezy707

    What do I do

    45 days is a long time. You will have to either set up an automatic watering system, or have someone take care of them. There truly is no other way, and I'm sorry for your inconvenience. All you need is someone to water them a few times a week, which is risky in itself because your home is in...
  18. jweezy707

    cfls getting very hot??

    Yes, CFLs get hot. They don't get as hot as an HID, but they do produce heat, especially as they get older. If anything happens, the bulb will just die out normally like an incandescent. You're most likely clear from any problems, if you remain concerned then invest in a replacement.
  19. jweezy707

    Drooping plant, help, please.

    Hold on there... it sounds like you need the water more than the plants. First of all, they aren't going to die. Second of all, how often have you been watering them? Lastly, upload some pictures so you can get some faster help.
  20. jweezy707

    humidity and temp?

    40-60% humidity, ±5% and you're fine (don't go under 35% and don't go above 65%) 70-85°F for temperature, again ±5°F and you're still fine (don't go under 65 and don't go over 90)