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  1. jweezy707

    Please help!

    It all depends on how long you want the plant to be in the vegetative stage for. You need to research more.
  2. jweezy707

    HPS Heat on a closet grow

    This is where ventilation comes in. So, you put the 400w HPS inside of a growbox which is inside of your closet? How big is the box? How big are the intakes?
  3. jweezy707

    Exciting new grow needs help!!

    1. pH meter <<<<<< Priority 2. Thermometer / Hygrometer 3. Moisture meter (optional) 4. Ventilation <<<<< Priority Don't even start the grow yet until you have these four things ready. If you don't have proper pH, don't expect the grow to be easy. No ventilation? Expect your plants to die...
  4. jweezy707

    Quick Question?

    Yes, you can go 12/12 from seed. Use a party cup, that's the new hype.
  5. jweezy707

    Finding Heating/Propagation Mats Locally

    If you decide to do it yourself, just be creative. You could buy a propagation tray and dome for less than $5 online, and then put a heating pad under the complete set. Or... buy a cake and use the container as a humidity dome.
  6. jweezy707

    I know, I'm stupid. What can I do to fix this flowering mistake?

    Strong double seedlings you got there in your avatar.
  7. jweezy707

    using cfts to start

    You can go either way, doesn't matter. 18/6 or 24/0.
  8. jweezy707

    Why are my leaves curling downwards?

    Looks perfectly normal to me. What's your watering schedule like?
  9. jweezy707

    using cfts to start

    Set your timer to 18/6. If you don't have a timer, either buy one or just turn the lights off before you sleep.
  10. jweezy707

    I know, I'm stupid. What can I do to fix this flowering mistake?

    It's an urban legend thrown around to prevent people from having any light leaks. It's the same thing as parents having their kids believe in Santa Clause, so they can behave for the whole year.
  11. jweezy707

    I know, I'm stupid. What can I do to fix this flowering mistake?

    My friend, you have nothing to worry about. People here will tell you that you're plants will metamorphose into hermaphrodites, but these people are only jealous of your 7+ weeks of hard work. As long as if it's not an everyday thing, you are completely 100% fine.
  12. jweezy707

    Finding Heating/Propagation Mats Locally

    1. 2. Click 'Maps' 3. Type in your city and state followed by 'Hydroponics' or 'Gardening' 4. ??? 5. Profit If you're feeling lucky, you can check your local major retailer stores like you said. If you're feeling a little innovative, then you could attempt to construct...
  13. jweezy707

    using cfts to start

    They will be fine, just adjust the height so the heat does not get to them. A few inches away should be fine, but adjust as needed. Use the back of your hand as a judgment tool for the heat.
  14. jweezy707

    going to grow shop tomorrow

    Everyone here will give you a different answer, it's all up to personal preference. I would recommend something from Fox Farm's, but instead I think you should ask for the worker's opinion. They will provide great insight for you, and since you will most likely be going back there in the...
  15. jweezy707

    nirvana white widow - when to cut?

    When it is ready. Try not to go by the amount of days, rather the level of production your plant has achieved. Buy yourself a source of magnification and remember to be patient. You've come a long way my friend, and the more you persevere, the better the final product will turn out. Take a...
  16. jweezy707

    force flowering outdoors and heat probs

    Like a grow tent, you can either build one yourself or you can buy one. Have a look here; There are plenty of tutorials on how to construct a growing container.
  17. jweezy707

    nutrients necessary?

    Check this out;
  18. jweezy707

    cfl grow

    You're going to need to provide some information; 1. pH 2. Watering schedule 3. Temperature 4. Nutrients They look perfectly healthy to me, however.
  19. jweezy707

    14 Cfls

    How many plants do you plan on growing? What kind of space do you have?