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  1. jweezy707

    Brown spots on leafs??

    Worry less my friend, your plant is simply growing up. This is a perfectly normal process for the seedling. What you are seeing is the gradual deterioration of the cotyledons. They served their purpose, and now they are ready to farewell the seedling. What I would be more concerned about is...
  2. jweezy707

    force flowering outdoors and heat probs

    You will need to either construct a flower box, or find a cool dark place in the house for them to stay. Consider letting them flower when they are ready, the reward will be much more satisfying. ;-)
  3. jweezy707

    400 watt MH lamp light casting question

    It shouldn't be a problem, but if you are concerned, move the plants around. For a more desirable response, I would highly suggest showing a picture.
  4. jweezy707

    Help with these seeds sprouting

    1. Buy a pH meter. 2. Buy a moisture meter. 3. Stop watering them 2-3 times a day. Less than $5 No need to drown it with water my friend, it will come out of the ground when it is ready. They might even...
  5. jweezy707

    2nd grow, 1st journal: CFL bagseed

    Beautiful lookin' babies man!
  6. jweezy707

    Need some info on Superthrive...

    He wanted you to get the more expensive one so he could get more money.
  7. jweezy707

    Used wrong watering mixture on seedlings

    Just keep an eye on them, they won't die or anything. The worst that will happen is they will enter shock and just be stressed for a few days.
  8. jweezy707

    Ganga Plant Holocaust

    I'm very sorry for your loss brother, I hope these girls will get better soon.
  9. jweezy707

    sup god, gonna go smoke a fat ass bowl brb

    sup god, gonna go smoke a fat ass bowl brb
  10. jweezy707

    ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

    What's the temperature in there? Do you have a fan blowing on these plants? Aside from that thing on the far right corner, they look pretty good. lol
  11. jweezy707

    Help with these seeds sprouting

    These pictures are very hard to see, Post more info as well; how often do you water? pH of the water? What kind of soil are you using??? List as much info as you possibly can
  12. jweezy707

    CFL Pc Grow Box. 13 Days Old

    how long has it been vegging? you might have to let it veg for a little longer in that case as for flowering, 12/12 will definitely work try to fit as many bulbs as you can in there too
  13. jweezy707

    CFL Pc Grow Box. 13 Days Old

    nice grow dude, but you should get some 2700ks if your gonna switch to 12/12 already