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  1. Natures Cure

    Would these Highbay lights be acceptable for grow lights?

    Thanks again this light should hold me over for my first grow. I'm sure I'll be very happy. :peace: & :weed:
  2. Natures Cure

    Would these Highbay lights be acceptable for grow lights?

    FK man, I just placed the order online, next order I guess. $185 bucks delivered. You the man gypsy
  3. Natures Cure

    Would these Highbay lights be acceptable for grow lights?

    Your my idol bro, and congrats on your award . . . speach, speach, speach! Thanks for this link, it's all but bought. SERIOUS FKN REP ON THIS! :peace: & :weed:
  4. Natures Cure

    Would these Highbay lights be acceptable for grow lights?

    It there any reason that this light would not be acceptable for growing? 22 inch High Bay Metal Halide 1000 Watt M47/O Go Back Not sure about an item? Need a large quantity? Contact us for a job...
  5. Natures Cure

    AK-48 Taste???

    Good stuff guys thanks anyone else have any experience with AK-48?
  6. Natures Cure

    AK-48 Taste???

    does that mean that AK-47 tastes good?
  7. Natures Cure

    AK-48 Taste???

    Question 1: I've heard plenty of great things about AK-48. The only question I have now is on the taste. I've read that many are dissapointed in the taste and others that said it taste fine. In my experience, unless it was dirty regs I've never really smoked good/dank bud that I didn't...
  8. Natures Cure

    Why can't I get answers?

    my bad . . . scrambling reading all the post. like a kid in a candy store . . . here's a couple . . . thanks again!
  9. Natures Cure

    What strain is best for insomnia and arthritis?

    thanks so much, that was an important answer too. I'm on it :clap:
  10. Natures Cure

    Why can't I get answers?

    first, I dig ur avatar, second I'm an eager beaver on my first grow:eyesmoke:, third thanks for the advice.
  11. Natures Cure

    Why can't I get answers?

    kiss-assThanks everyone for the posts that have started to pour in it's greatly appreciated. :peace: & :weed:
  12. Natures Cure

    Why can't I get answers?

    lmao, no really those thread sat empty right up until post started coming in like rain which is great feeling. I also firgured with posting some of this basic stuff it gives some eager peeps a chance to share/post some of their newly aquired wisdom :roll:
  13. Natures Cure

    1 single yellow spot on sprout leaf. Any Ideas, PIC PROVIDED.

    no net excited yet just more on the neurotic side at this point and looking avoid the getting excited stage. I'm excited enough on my first grow. :eyesmoke: thanks
  14. Natures Cure

    1 single yellow spot on sprout leaf. Any Ideas, PIC PROVIDED.

    PH has been magnificent as I've been pretty neurotic about my first grow so far. It's been between 5.8 - 6.5 consistantly and I think more importantly it's stayed stable enough that I've not had to really fk with the PH. My tap PH is perfect from the start and I let it sit for 30 mins to an hour...
  15. Natures Cure

    Why can't I get answers?

    great point thanks for your input.
  16. Natures Cure

    1 single yellow spot on sprout leaf. Any Ideas, PIC PROVIDED.

    Well, I was nervous (first timer) that I over fed the monkeys. (See my Monkeys album). So I like I said I drained half the water and replaced it with settled tap. These guys are actually like 3 weeks old and have survided a lot so far. I had originally poste a thread on the sprout leaves and...
  17. Natures Cure

    Why can't I get answers?

    Well my main question right now is my thread on the yellow spot on only one of my sprout leaves. I know the pic is a bit hard to see but that's my main concern right now. Don't wan't it to spread. If you could post something in that thread that would be much appreciated. thanks
  18. Natures Cure

    Why can't I get answers?

    I joined this website for a handful of reasons and was off to a fast start . . . Now I have a number of questions that have been viewed many times without anyone responding. Am I asking stupid fkn questions. WTF! Why can't I get answers?
  19. Natures Cure

    Mixing MH & HPS - Any thoughts?

    I can purchase a both a MH & HPS light from my local hardware chain. They are 150W a piece and around 100 bucks a piece. Can I use both of them at the same time and would they be better than my current lighting setup? Currently I'm using 2 CFLS from SH (sold as dual spectrum II lighting) One...
  20. Natures Cure

    1 single yellow spot on sprout leaf. Any Ideas, PIC PROVIDED.

    Any comments on what this single yellow spot can be? My other plants are fine. Just this one with a single yellow spot. I just emptied about half the water and replaced it with settled tap water (settled=sitting out for about 30 mins to dissapate chlorine) today after seeing the spot was...