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  1. Lipples

    BAGSEED AT 24 Days!!! Bushy!!

    I think your dog likes it =P
  2. Lipples

    Power Inverters

    you have 7 years of electrical apprentice history 0.o Did you even look at the OTHER numbers on that transformer? It puts out 15dc volts....AT 400mA. That means its putting out hte 15v DC at less than HALF OF AN AMP. that means the total power it can put out is 6w of power. (15v x .4a). The...
  3. Lipples

    Power Inverters

    you are trying to make power dude. you can make your setup work, but it will NOT be saving you any energy. Watt = volts x amps. Lets work through your problem backwards with a 1000watt light to make it easy. v = volts a = amps w = watts start with a 1000w light, that means that at 120v it...
  4. Lipples

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    mmmm she's growing amazing now, and smelling the part too :blsmoke: Her bud sites look pretty dense and filling in nicely considering I only have 2 lights. 8 pics to come tonight, enjoy people!bongsmilie Crystallization ENGAGED!
  5. Lipples

    I am Delivering Pitbull Puppies

    those are sweet looking puppies! I don't know a lot about dog breeds, but they do look very similar to the one you found!
  6. Lipples

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    don't know what size the pot is, I'm going to be harvesting when I see the trichs cloud up and the hairs turn brown. The carbon filter is for odor control (do a forum search, you can find all sorts of info in it). I am living with the parents, so its a pretty hardcore stealth grow. We actually...
  7. Lipples

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    I have no idea what to expect either way man, this is my first grow, and only using 46 watts of CFL's with high temps and some plant abuse early on, I'm just playin it by ear =D
  8. Lipples

    Would a mantis be okay in my garden? =D
  9. Lipples

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    MMM Yummy time. I smelled her for the first time today, when I walked into my room 0.o. Anyways buds are gettin bigger and seem to be well dispersed for just 43W of light =D
  10. Lipples

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    got some new bud tonight. HOLY CRAP. Hariest i've ever seen, don't know the name of it. NOM NOM NOM
  11. Lipples

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    I'm trying to balance heat and light, hard to get a lot in when its a stealth box in the closet =/ Easy, thanks man it's definately been an adventure. I have no accurate temp readings, as my thermometer is WAY off, but I'd say in the mid 80's when the lights are on.
  12. Lipples

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    well guys the yellowing is spreading. My last watering was just plain water, then this happened so I'm thinking lack of nutes. I gave her some low-strength bloom nutes today, see how she does. On to todays pics though, she's fattening up a bit :twisted:
  13. Lipples

    I am Delivering Pitbull Puppies

    I hate new car smell, it makes me nauseous.
  14. Lipples

    I am Delivering Pitbull Puppies

    The smell of the puppy itself or the puppy breath ;-) I think puppies are everyone's weakness, I still love to think back to when I was like 9 with my chocolate lab puppy, he's 12 and feelin his age now, but still is the BEST dog ever, so friendly mmmmm :roll: :wink:
  15. Lipples

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    got my new yums tonight, called goo. Haven't had it before, but I know I've seen other strains with Goo in them, but not just Goo so hmmm. anyways already sampled it and mm mm its yummy. Really unique smell...almost a berryish something or other...i cant describe it, not too harsh of a smoke and...
  16. Lipples

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    Thanks for all the comments guys =D And yes, this is all being done with 2 23W 2700k CFL's.
  17. Lipples

    My First Grow with cfl's

    mmmm lookin tasty man! Give me a week and hopefully i'll have a girl lookin mighty similar to yours =D
  18. Lipples

    Movie movie movie!

    seen it but dont watch it. MILA KUNIS is HAWT. Hottest i've seen her is Forgetting Sarah Marshall
  19. Lipples

    I'm fucking heated!!!

    well im definately lovin the trees right now bongsmilie, I just thought it was funny that you said you pushed your brother around to teach HER a lesson. That either meant that your brother has a mangina, or you pushed him around to teach your sister a lesson, which still made me lol. Either...
  20. Lipples

    I'm fucking heated!!!

    alright now i'm lost too...