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  1. WanderingGrow

    trippin about 2012

    every one blows that whole thing out of the water, even if something major does happen what the hell could you do anyway, build an ark and charge 3 billion euro a ticket. lets get real here sit back, roll up, and accept the inevitible.
  2. WanderingGrow

    Flowering ? Please help

    got to agree with him, im limited on light for my closet so i've already switched to 12/12, they were like 6 or 7 weeks old, and around 10 inches tall. if you can wait till they alternte nodes thats their way of showing sexual maturity.
  3. WanderingGrow

    What have I been doing wrong?

    for those young ones 12-18 inches away id say. once they get older you use the rule of hand, place your hand between the plants an the light wait like a minute and if your hand feels discomfort so will your plants
  4. WanderingGrow

    New set up, what do you think?

    dont shoot your self in the foot here. nobody cares what the incandecent equivalent is. when i say i have 368 watts that is actual i dont have 1300 watts. i would definatley add some mylar too everything thats not white or add more lights/ventilation. i would suggest doing a mix of 6500k and...
  5. WanderingGrow

    Northern Lights X White Widow Bagseed first grow

    my condulances to your plant, sorry i ouldn't have helped you more.
  6. WanderingGrow

    shot glass germinating!

    another good idea. but i havent seen too much happen with only soaking the seeds in water. most of them drown, or rot. but best of luck to you.
  7. WanderingGrow

    Recipie for success, or set-up for failure.

    im about a week into flowerand i just fed them their second dose of the veg formula. i was wondering if i should do another veg feed or go to the flower mix. thanks in advance
  8. WanderingGrow

    shot glass germinating!

    letting seeds soak for longer than 24 hours could be very detrimental to your sprouting seeds. i soaked my og seeds for 22 hours then put them in paper towel and my seeds had inch long taproots within 18 hours after that. if you dont want to use paper towel, got get jiffy cubes or rockwool and...
  9. WanderingGrow

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    definatly got my fingers (and my toes) crossed on that one. we will see for sure in about a week.
  10. WanderingGrow

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    Thank you I apreciate that. Can anybody guess the sex from the pics. I still think its a lil too early too tell but any input would be great
  11. WanderingGrow

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    i lied here are some updated photos of my plants. this is pot 1 with a close up this is pot 2 with close up
  12. WanderingGrow

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    again i dont mind the questions, and i may be a little bit of a smart ass but with crap dirt you get dead crap plants. try using a potting soil, but watch the npk levels so you dont get nute burnt babies. as far as hydro goes you need alot of test equipment to keep your reservoir at the proper...
  13. WanderingGrow

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    sorry been a little busy i just got back in town today, havent got any new pics yet but will definatley do that tomarrow morning. i dont mind the question asking in this thread but once you get an answer dont push it too far. had a little issue with the timmer when i was gone so they had about a...
  14. WanderingGrow

    what do you think about my nutes??

    when you say nute feed and water feed you are using two different nute feeds? do you do any plain ph'd water, no additives, or is it a constant feed regimine.? if so how are you plants liking it? i use a feed, water, water to prevent salt build up and i keep my soil ph around 6.5-6.8, nutes are...
  15. WanderingGrow

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    little out of my price right now but i may consider it for a future grow. the night time temps are around 83-84 and thats only 3-4 degrees hotter than my actual house temp ac is set to 78 it fluxes between 78-81 when i cook and what not. so i just open the door within a half hour of lights on...
  16. WanderingGrow

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    Curent temp in my grow is at 87 degrees with the door open, too scared to leave it closed. I'm about to pull the plants out for a while and see what the temp gets to with the door closed. I was wondering how high can it be before plants experience problems, I am working on getting an extraction...
  17. WanderingGrow

    First Grow, Need Help

    yea thats a great flower buld. They put out 5800 lumen a piece so with thems things real close and you got a lil over 11,000. and the red pectrum is perfect. i use one i picked up from menards i think it was about 30 -35 dollars. that bulb will fit into the sockets you already have o thats...
  18. WanderingGrow

    wondering if it looks good

    by "streched" he means you have a lot of main stem lenght between branch internodes, pretty common outside from what i hear. basicaly you plant streches up to get closer to the light. over all it looks pretty good to me. dont get your expectations too high, now im not sayin its not posible to...
  19. WanderingGrow

    First Grow, Need Help

    now is that 100 actual watts or 100 incandecent equivalent, the only reason i ask is that i have never seen a 100 watt cfl fit into one of those clamp lanps with out hangin out like 4 or 5 inches. my 85 watt is almost 1 foot long. its the verticle one in the pic i showed with out the reflector...
  20. WanderingGrow

    First CFL grow, 368 actual watts.

    Unfortunatley i have to lean more to the herm side of things only about 25 - 30 seeds out of the pound my buddy got, thoose are the ones lucky enough to fall into my hands, so there could have been more. Not doing it to supply the midwest or anyhing like that. i apreciate the advice, if this...