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  1. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    How much WATER do i need??

    i know this may sound dumb but whats the best way to actually water your plant....or seed without hurting it
  2. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Germin problems plz help!!

    ok i may have a problem when i put my seed in the dirt it fell in the whole like side ways is that gonna hurt it ?....Bc i put it in the soil 2 days ago and nothings popped up yet i put it about 1 inch down i made the hole with the end of a pen top
  3. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Germin problems plz help!!

    Pointy end Up? or pointy end Down?....
  4. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    You Dont need Light to Sprout from seed??

    well the light i have setup is a 400w Mh bulb thats hanging above the bags...i had it on but someone said there was no need for it...
  5. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Germin problems plz help!!

    ok im going to let them sit for a few more hours then im going to put them in the soil....Im so anxious lol
  6. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    You Dont need Light to Sprout from seed??

    Is this True once your seeds pop and you put them in soil you dont need light for them to come thru the soil???
  7. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Germin problems plz help!!

  8. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    How much WATER do i need??

    Really i dont need the light on to sprout the seed??
  9. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    How much WATER do i need??

    ok Ive put one seed in the soil with the light on and the top soil is really dry from the heat from the lamp...should i water it a little? Its FFOF soil and it felt moist out of the bag...
  10. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Germin problems plz help!!

    does anyone else have any input on the situation.... Right now i have them wrapped in a towel on plates on top of the microwave hopefully it will give them a little heat
  11. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Germin problems plz help!!

    5 Papaya 1 G-13 Haze Fem 1 WW Fem ....only one that popped fully...
  12. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Germin problems plz help!!

    OK Weds i germed 7 seeds with the paper towel method and this Morning i wanted to plant but the only problem is only 1 actually popped the others just cracked a lil down the side... I was Wondering what i should do... A. Remositen a paper towel and Cover the remainder seeds and let them do...
  13. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    How much WATER do i need??

    Thnkx everyone for your replies...Im using Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil and 3 gal Grow bags bc of space restrictions i would like to use square pots but couldnt find any..... after i put them in the soil i'll prolly just add a little water around the seeds to get them started after that i guess i...
  14. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    How much WATER do i need??

    Was up...Im germing my seeds now so hopefully they will have popped by tomorrow morning... I have 5 Papaya Seeds and 1 G-13 haze fem germin and 1 G-13 WW Fem Germin.... Hopefully will get 4 or 5 girls from this first go around.... Ive read that the first mistake new growers make is...
  15. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Papaya and G-13 from seed

    No one has grown G-13 haze from barneys farm??
  16. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Grow Bags?

    grow bags lol i bought some yesterday
  17. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    Pics of the new girls

    looking good man...learning from you everyday what is the string going across the plants for??
  18. TwoupTwodwnGrower

    THE DAY HAS COME.....GROW Room Setup and GERMN Seeds..

    Yea will be fun ...i will have better pics i didnt have my digi cam...Im going to put up a fan for air cirulation and mylar for reflection