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  1. F

    Can this strain be cloned ? OG Kush

    dont clone it unless you want to spend a lot of time watching for herms. The fem seed will not make stable clones. Part of the thing with fem seeds is you need to buy more. I recommend using genetically normal seeds! However knowing your plants are female is nice for SoG growing to make...
  2. F

    1st Time Grower

    if you're going to top now is the time. Its not a bad idea but not necessary either. Will up your yield but if you want to see what a plant naturally does thats cool too.
  3. F

    Hydro vs. Soil/Soiless Mix.... ?

    also if you run air lines up and down your trays and have them turn on during your flood it will help keep your tray clean and its the leet dankness. O2 driven nute delivery in an eb table! Keeping res and table clean very important. Nuke clean them every chance you get. Its annoying but...
  4. F

    Hydro vs. Soil/Soiless Mix.... ?

    if you want a two week harvest you will need multiple trays, 4 total min. Each tray needs its on little set up but its not hard. I use 3 4'4' trays 3k watts and am on a 4 week harvest. Since i have some nice crosslighting in the bloom room i've started flowering two mothers in soil between...
  5. F

    which kind of hydro is the one im thinking of?

    over watering can be issue even with teh balls. Dont water when lights off for veg and for bloom i water once 6 hours into darkness. Lights on i flood 15 min every 2 hours. All strains have loved it I grow about 10 atm. Biggest issue is giving them what they need at all times without...
  6. F

    which kind of hydro is the one im thinking of?

    there is an eb flow thread on this site. I use 4' 4' tables myself 1k watts per table. Results and yields are amazing. To do it right it takes some micro adjustments and never use rockwool its worthless. Expanded clay is the dankness. If you have to use rw for rooting cube thats ok.
  7. F

    variations of home made aero cloners

    btw right now have been using rapid rooters with about 70% success. I have a botanist friend that makes a very airy soiless mix and he gets roots better than an aero but it still takes 10-14 days, so aero still has a huge advantage. His method also suffers grater transplant shock but its...
  8. F

    variations of home made aero cloners

    Awesome post, thanks! Very helpful, i've been debating about going to aero cloning and now i think i understand a bit better. It is true the lower branches are younger genetics and therefore root easier, however, the longer a plant grows the more cannaboids it builds up and its clones will...
  9. F

    OUTDOOR hydro vs. aero vs. organic???

    if you want freakish buds its easier when u control the light source for the results you're talking about. At least 600 hps. Where abouts are you trying to do this? altitude wise etc ..
  10. F

    Aeroponics- roots hitting the mister or fogger

    in dwc the roots are fine to go in the res i'd imagine its the same but i use eb flow so not sure. I'd like to make an aero room when i expand.
  11. F

    plant is small and yellow, with red stem.

    sorry totally outdated post, was replying to first page i think lol! happy smoking!
  12. F

    plant is small and yellow, with red stem.

    once its light situation has been stable for a while and you get the watering right they should be just fine. You want to water when the media you're growing in is dry. If you're in just regular potting soil it probably does not drain too well so water less often. The roots chase the water as...
  13. F

    Male or Female?

    i flower certain strains at 6" and they finish around 3'.
  14. F

    Aerogarden Issue - PICS

    if the leaves are kinda hard to the touch on edges its over fertalized. Some strains are weird and respond differently to nutes. maybe run a few days with just water then start in at 12ish ml\gal?
  15. F

    good foliage, but slight curve

    you might want to drop your ppm on nute solution or even flush as well.
  16. F

    How much water needed?

    btw i use a similar system but i use a soiless mix and transplant into my hydroton. Keep close eye on ppm\ph. 5.8-6.3 what i use but 5.5 is ok. plant that size maybe about 2-300ppm depends a lot on the strain.
  17. F

    How much water needed?

    how often are you watering? you need to let the rockwool get dry between waterings. Once a day maybe less in a humidity dome at least till the roots start leaving the rockwool more. The idea is to have the water drain out. The plants roots will follow the water out so if its not draining...
  18. F

    Hermie Plant

    glad it helped, now if my own herm question would get answered! Just an fyi, do not clone feminized seeds. They will have high herm tendencies. A lot of ppl i know who have had problems with herms in their rooms almost always is a clone from a feminized seed mother. its worth the trouble...
  19. F

    Clawing leaves, what you reckon? Pics

    its over fert. Jorge Cervantes says down curl is too high ppm\over fert. flush and go 2\3 or 1\2 strength of what u did to over do it. No real damage done tho no worries.
  20. F

    Aerogarden Issue - PICS

    over nute it looks like. Not sure with aeroponics but a flush then a lower ppm of nutes should fix. The plant will not repair the damaged tissue so look at new growth to see if all looks good. Also make sure you have enough air flow.