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  1. acidwarp

    We want Peacemane420!!

    and even the short ones turn into, "hey check out my shit" lol
  2. acidwarp

    We want Peacemane420!!

    well i dont know about you, but i get distracted very easily. and from what ive seen on this forum it seems to be a general trait lol
  3. acidwarp

    We want Peacemane420!!

    what a thread lol I can honestly say this is the best forum i've ever joined. A bunch of pothead(like myself) who get distracted from the topics. I havent seen too many threads that dont stray away from the topics LOL
  4. acidwarp

    fan leaves??? can you trim them off??

    i'll have to wait till tomorow for pics, the battery is dead in my cam. Ah well ill just let it go for a few more weeks and see what happens
  5. acidwarp

    fan leaves??? can you trim them off??

    at least there are some small leaves around the buds, hopefully itll be able to feed itself with those
  6. acidwarp

    fan leaves??? can you trim them off??

    shit so i just fucked up that grow lol
  7. acidwarp

    fan leaves??? can you trim them off??

    i wish my cam was working, id take a pic. I only took off the big leaves on the stem. The small leaves around the buds i left there, well basically anything with trichs i left on. i was hoping to boost the growth of the buds cause they're kinda small compared to the others on here. Guess i...
  8. acidwarp

    fan leaves??? can you trim them off??

    my friend saw my plant and said to get rid of the big leaves cause they were blocking off the light to the buds. I have to agree with him though as it was more of a bush than a tree. Hopefully my plant will be forgiving
  9. acidwarp

    fan leaves??? can you trim them off??

    damn i cut most of them off
  10. acidwarp

    fan leaves??? can you trim them off??

    i was just wondering what the effect was if i trimmed most of the fan leaves off. My plants is very bushy and some buds are having a hard time getting light. So i trimmed most of the fan leaves off and i was just wondering if that will boost my buds, or do the opposite
  11. acidwarp

    I Got BudRot!!!!

    is it possible to add a small portable heater in your green house??? that would take away the humidity, or a de-humidifier would work too. but since its outside i'd go with a small heater and some fans on a timer to take out some of the heat every few hours or so
  12. acidwarp

    white widow,5 weeks flowering.HELP please!!!

    My plant was doing the exact same thing, I had to move the lights up almost a foot, it was getting too hot in there, plus i had to prune her so the lower buds would get light. Someone correct me if i'm wrong, but id suggest straight water(to make sure its not nut burn), and move the lights up a...
  13. acidwarp


    i wonder if putting a blacklight under my buds when they're drying will change anything??? Maybe it'll be a cool experiment to try
  14. acidwarp

    Top Cola Snapped What Will Happen

    i wouldnt chance topping it either, if you top it now the plant will put most of its resources into fixing itself rather than into flowering, so you'd prolly just end up with small buds.
  15. acidwarp

    white stuff

    take a picture please :)
  16. acidwarp

    Tiny Bugs - What to do?

    oh yeah forgot to mention, its lemon dish soap. Its the lemon traces that actually killed insects. Just thought id mention that hehehehe
  17. acidwarp

    Tiny Bugs - What to do?

    You can try adding a tbs of dish soap to 4 cups of water and water with this. I had great luck with my little white bugs. Killed all of them after just 2 watering with this. I wouldnt recommened 2 waterings in 2 days. I water once with this mixture, waited a complete day, continued my water...
  18. acidwarp

    Little white bugs, what are they and how are they harmful?

    i just got back from the store and the clerk told me to try citronella dish soap in small doses, and is that doesnt work he said try the strips along with a spray. Will dish soap hurt my plant at all??? just wondering
  19. acidwarp

    Tiny White Bugs

    what is diatomaceous earth anyways???? I've heard stories of my mom putting crushed egg shells in her soil to harm any bugs roaming around in there.
  20. acidwarp

    Little white bugs, what are they and how are they harmful?

    Cool, i'll go look for neeugm oil, cause i tried vinegar in water and it didnt get one bug. These must be smart little bugs. Anyways i'll try to ask the clerks what they think, so far most ppl think its thrips. If incestecide dont work then i'll try lady bugs